Title: The What Happened After… Series (1/5-ish)
laurenxx3 (iheartcallietorres on fanfiction.net)
Pairing: Callie/Arizona
Rating: varies from PG to T
Summary: The lives of Callie and Arizona between the scenes we see on Grey’s, separated into different parts, all beginning with the title “What Happened After…” Bad summary, but you get the picture. : )
Disclaimer: You know the drill. All characters belong to Shonda Rhimes/ABC. I don’t own anything. If I did, I’d be a lot richer than a poor college student. Any similarities to real life situations/persons are purely coincidental. Not for profit; for entertainment purposes only.
A/N: I have absolutely NO medical knowledge beyond what I see/hear on Grey’s Anatomy, so forgive me of any medical-related errors. Also, this is un-betad, so all mistakes are mine. Please let me know if you come across any. As always, comments are much appreciated (and will encourage me to write more fics in the future - *hint, hint*).
A/N2: Alright, so I had originally planned on finishing this entire series before posting any of it, but I changed my mind because I can and I’m just cool (aka fickle) like that. : ) I was planning to finish the entire thing before I posted because I hate when I’m reading a fic and it takes the author forever to update and I didn’t want to do that to y’all, but I *think* I’ll be able to update this at least weekly, if not more often. HOWEVER, I make no promises, especially with finals coming up in, GULP, less than two weeks. >.< I just couldn’t wait to get this out there because I’m really excited about it and I hope you all like it.
A/N3: Formatting… Yeah, the formatting of this fic is pretty straightforward… it’s separated into different “What Happened After…” scenes and each part has a ‘Callie’s POV’ and an ‘Arizona’s POV.’ Some are short, drabble-length while others are pretty long-ish. I decided not to make any portions NC-17, at least for now, because I didn’t want to take away from the rest of the fic. Also, you’ll find a link at the beginning of each section to a youtube video of a song that I think fits that particular section. It’s not necessary that you listen to the song, I just thought it gave it a little something extra. : ) Okay, I think that’s it for now… Enjoy and let me know what you think of this!
HERE at my LJ! <3