Callie's Big Surprise

Apr 05, 2010 23:51

Title:  Callie’s Big Surprise
Author: mak62184
Rating: PG
Pairing: Callie/Arizona
Summary: Callie has a wonderful surprise for Arizona.
Disclaimer:  Nothing but my creativity belongs to me and no profit is made.

A/N: I got the idea for this from my obsession with trashy television shows. It certainly would be a good compromise for Callie and Arizona's problems now. Or not. :D Enjoy!

It had been the longest week ever.  Arizona was heading back to Callie’s apartment after her shift at the hospital. Between Callie wanting to talk about having children and Mark’s daughter, Sloan, returning and having her baby, she was physically and emotionally exhausted.  Arizona was also not in a good mood from work that day.  A one-year-old girl was brought in with extensive injuries to her ribs and arms.   It turned out the girl’s parents were beating her, and it stopped that day when a neighbor complained to the cops about the noise in their apartment.  The parents were fighting and the little girl was unconscious on the floor.  Fortunately, the kid came around fast and was in good care at the hospital and put in custody of her grandmother, for the time being.

Thinking about that situation made Arizona sick.  How could a parent be so cruel to their child? And how did so many bad people get to become parents? It then made her think about Callie’s desire to become a mom.  Arizona was hesitant to have children of her own because of working in pediatric surgery.  If something horrible happened to her child, she would be devastated.  However, the awful parents in the world were making Arizona reconsider her stand on not having children.  All she could think about was how happy it would make Callie and how wonderful she would be with kids.  Arizona stopped thinking about it until she walked inside and saw the most amazing sight as she entered the living room.

“Babysitting for Sloan?” she asked Callie, who was sitting there with a baby in her arms. Arizona understood that Sloan was young, but it annoyed her a bit how she just dumped her son on Callie to go out and do whatever she wanted to do. The girl needed to learn some responsibility.

“Actually,” Callie paused before coming out with her next part. “This one’s mine.”

Arizona looked at her girlfriend like she had two heads.

“Excuse me? How did you get a baby? And I’m mad at you for going behind my back, Calliope. You know I didn’t want children, and now you’ve adopted one or stole it just to get what you want.”

Callie just stared at Arizona not looking phased by her yelling. “Do you want to hold her?”

“Do I want to what?” Arizona was really angry now. “I’m leaving, and do not call me or talk to me. I just can’t believe you would do something so irresponsible without my consent or talking to me.”

Arizona was about to walk out the door again, when she stopped after she heard a thud on the living room floor and turned around. Callie had dropped the baby on the floor and was running over to her.

“Calliope! You can’t just throw a baby on the floor like that.”

“I know,” Callie said grinning. “I guess my little joke backfired. I wanted to freak you out a little, but not to the point where you would leave me and then think I abuse children.”

Arizona looked confused as Callie walked her back to the couch. She picked the baby up off the floor and handed her to Arizona.

“Arizona, I would like you to meet Claire Ellen,” Callie said as she was giggling a little, this time not holding anything back.

Arizona uncovered the baby’s face and realized she was holding a doll.

“A doll, Callie? You are that desperate for children that you bought a doll to trick me with? Are you going to parade around town with it pretending it is your baby now?”

Callie was laughing way too hard now and had tears coming out of her eyes. “No. I was bored and watching television and I saw a show on women who buy these dolls and treat them like their own children. They’re called Reborn babies. They look like they are breathing and have a heartbeat, and look lifelike too. Personally, it is freaky, but I couldn’t resist this as a joke. I got this one at a yard sale. The woman who had them died and her family were getting rid of whatever they could.”

Arizona looked stunned.  “Please tell me you did not name this doll.”

“Of course not,” Callie laughed. “Do you think I would ever name a baby, Claire Ellen?”

“I don’t know.” Arizona looked at the doll closer and cringed. “This is one ugly doll.”

“I know, right? And that’s why we’re going to have fun decapitating it in my bedroom.”

Arizona laughed at that prospect. “Is that what you’re going to do to our child if they turn out ugly?”

“We don’t have to worry about that. Ours will be perfect.” And then it dawned on Callie. “What do you mean ours?”

Arizona sighed. “It was a rough day.  I was working on a baby today, whose parents were abusing her.  It was terrible and made me think about all the people who get to be parents and shouldn’t.  I know you would make an excellent mom.  So, if we take this slow, I would like to have a baby with you someday. Whether we decide to get a sperm donor or adopt.”

Callie was smiling again. “Thank you. And I think you would be a great mom too.” She leaned in to kiss Arizona when she got startled.

“We need to get rid of Claire Ellen now. That was just creepy how I put my hand down on her in your lap and she felt like she was moving.”

“Are you sure? She’s only a little baby and she has feelings,” Arizona waved the plastic doll at Callie. “She also loves you.”

“No. We are playing surgeon on her because I would be afraid that someone would find her in the trash and think we threw a real baby out.”

Arizona laughed. “If you insist.”

She took Claire Ellen and headed to Callie’s room as Callie went to get a knife and scissors from the kitchen.

The End

art: fanfiction, fanfic: callie/arizona

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