Calzona Cohabitation: discussion

Mar 24, 2010 20:15

Yeah, I'm anxious about 6x18 (still no promo photos??) and going out of my mind. I even had a dream about Callie and Arizona last night! It was like a whole episode about them. The specifics are fuzzy now, I just remember the ending before I woke up was that same scene setting from the sneak peek and Arizona says "I want to have babies too" lol

ANYWAY. I thought I'd prompt a 'moving in' discussion...if that's alright? Moving in together was a BIG deal for Meredith/Derek, Cristina/Burke, Mark/Lexie and it even caused some issues for Callie/George back in the day. Thus, while the keys exchange happened off screen, we HAVE to see the moving in happen on screen...right?

I was wondering if it would still happen this season? Maybe as a temporary resolution for their disagreement. A "let's take it one step at a time" solution. I think it could give us some funny scenes...Arizona trying to brighten the apartment and butting heads with Cristina for example.

So, what do you think? Has the time come for them to move in together? Get their own place or have Arizona move in with Callie and Cristina? Do you think it will happen this season? What would you like to see happen? Discuss! (pleaaaase give me something to read and take my mind off of tomorrow's episode).

ga: speculation, ga: discussion

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