Fic: I'll follow you into the dark - Chapter 17

Feb 07, 2010 00:28

Title: I'll follow you into the darkness
Author: xredSunburstx
Pairing: Callie/Arizona
Rating: T
Summary: A patient’s father can’t accept that his daughter is going to die. Her doctor is Arizona Robbins who is now in hostage to do an operation which should save his daughters life. Will she survive and what is going Callie to do? Reviews appreciated.
Disclaimer: All television shows, movies, books, and other copyrighted material referred to in this work, and the characters, settings, and events thereof, are the properties of their respective owners. As this work is an interpretation of the original material and not for-profit, it constitutes fair use. Reference to real persons, places, or events are made in a fictional context, and are not intended to be libellous, defamatory, or in any way factual.

Chapter 17

I spent days waking up with her at my side, but this morning was something special.

It was wonderful when I first opened my eyes, because I felt her soft breath on my skin and I felt her shift beneath me and when I look up I see her smile.

“Good morning…”

She is murmuring in the sweetest voice and I want to kiss her again. I raise my fingers to her lips and touch them firmly. They are still swollen and I can’t think about something more sexy and beautiful than her lips, than her eyes looking at me like that; like I am the most beautiful thing she has ever seen.

“Good morning…” I reply and my lips are asking for a kiss.

“… but it would be a lot better if you kiss me…”

I pout and she starts to laugh. But then she‘s crawling down to me, touching me legs while her lips are hovering over mine.

“Have I ever told you that I love your legs?” Calliope is asking me and her hands are wandering to my inner tight, caressing my still aroused skin as I’m remembering what we did last night and what I want to do with her the rest of my life.

“No. you haven’t…” I say in between kisses and throw my head back when she’s nibbling a sensitive spot of my neck.

“Then I’ll say it now… I love your legs…”

She tiptoes with her middle finger and her forefinger to another very sensitive and hot spot while she’s looking into my eyes. I can read there a lot, because they are darker than usual like last night when we made love, but there’s something else as I’m stroking her cheek firmly. I want her so badly, but at the same time I want to know what’s going on in her mind and how she’s feeling about us.

Maybe I’m doing this too fast, but I fall in love with her. I have those strong feelings and I want to be with her. I want to learn with her what it means to live, what it means to do the same things even I don’t know who I was, what it means to go on, without knowing who I really am.

They told me that I’d remember soon. Maybe. But it feels like I’m not going to remember. At first it scared me. At first it felt like weight on my shoulders and I didn’t know what it would be, but with her at my side it doesn’t matter.

It feels like I’m going to start a new life and I want her at my side.



“What is this with us…? I mean… How will it continue?”

All I hope for is honesty. All I hope for is her love.

When I saw her dancing with the other girl I couldn’t stop my tears from falling and before someone could stop me I rushed off.

I thought alcohol would help me to forget; maybe it would help me to accept.

Of course I couldn’t accept and I couldn’t forget.

I could never forget her. I could never forget how she tasted and how she felt; I could never forget how her hand instinctively found mine when we were walking through the city and how she whispered those tree words in my ears when I never expect it. I could never forget how she laughed and how she smiled and how beautiful that sounded in my ears.

I could never forget my love for her and how she felt for me once, but she was alive. She was alive and that was all that counted. I told myself it was important that she was going to be happy, even it wasn’t with me. I told it myself over and over again, and it was the truth: All I wanted was her health and happiness.

But it broke my heart. I knew I couldn’t be happy if she was with someone else.

And then she entered the apartment and she sat in front of me, saying words that changed everything. First I was scared it’d be a one night thing, because she needed someone. I was scared I’d be an affair, but now there are so much unspoken words in my mind and now I’ve got the chance to tell her.

She’s looking at me and I can’t hide my smile. I thought I lost her, but she was still mine. She will ever be.

“What do you want?” I ask with a whisper and I crawl nearer to her. I want to be as close as possible.

“I want… I want you… I want to be together with you…” She replies a little bit shyly and I think it’s sweet to see her like that.

“You know what?? I want to be together with you, too…” A smile spreading on her face and she’s revealing her oh so sugary dimples.

“I know… because I’m awesome…” I start to giggle as she’s leaning forward to kiss me, but before I can I need to tell her something else. It’s time to tell her the truth. I waited too long.

“But… Ari… there’s something I need to tell you… there’s something I really need you to know…” I start and she wrinkles up her eyebrows. Oh god… it’s harder than I thought.

“Before your accident…”

Beep. Beep. Beep.


I spin around furiously and search the object that causes the noises and which interrupted my confession. And when I found it I realize that I sometimes absolutely hate my job. Sometimes there are really bad timings.

“I’m sorry, Ari…there’s an emergency… I have to go now… but I come home as soon as I’m ready, okay?”

She smiles at me and nods understandingly.

“Ab-solut-ely okay! Go and save lives and come back as soon as possible. I can’t wait for you to come back…” She says and I kiss her deeply before I rush out of the room, searching for my clothes.

I can’t hide my smile as I’m leaving my apartment. She wants to be together with me… But even it seems like I have her back, like she’s mine again, there’s also a strange feeling intermingling with the happiness I feel.

I need to tell her so we can be what we were before.

art: fanfiction, fanfic: callie/arizona

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