Fanfic: Love today (5/?)

Nov 18, 2009 14:01

Title: Love today (5/?)
Author: Boldpapermate
Pairing: Callie/Hahn, Callie/Arizona
Rating: R (I think)
Summary: Double dates! Please read and review.
Disclaimer: All the characters are property of ABC and Shonda. I own nothing, and no one. Although sometimes i wish i did

A/N: It's beta free. Please excuse all the mistakes.

I had the HARDEST time writing this chapter. So please, review and tell me if it's worthy or not.

If there was anything Arizona learned these past few weeks, it wasn't just that it rains all the time. Like ALL the time. Or the fact that people really enjoyed the on-call rooms. Or even the fact that heels were a bad idea, and unless she'd like to lose one again and spend the day limping around with one shoe on, then she should wear shoes that can stay tied to her feet. No, what she had learned in these past few weeks was that suprisingly enough, people in Seattle were nice, and sometimes friends will come out of the strangest places.

By strangest places she totally didn't mean like the closet or anything. Because that's just creepy. No, in retrospect, beginning operation 'Arizona wins Callie' had been a bad idea. Arizona wasn't mean by nature. She was that girl in the playground who cried if someone stepped on her shovel. She didn't handle confrontation, she ran from it. She was fairly certain that her lack of sex had inspired her and gave her that boost of confidence, because Arizona Robbins didn't kick ass in the morning and take names in the evening.

After her little run in with Lexie, she had panicked. She had panicked and then hid in the janitors closet, hoping that everyone would forget she existed and she wouldn't have to be forced to go to this date shindig. That was exactly had Mark had found her an hour later, mumbling incoherent thoughts to herself. This was what she had been reduced to, going insane and taking advice from a manwhore. The worst part of it all wasn't just the tangled web she had weaved for herself, or even the faint glimpse of chaos she could tell was coming. No, the worst part was that she still wanted Callie.

After Mark had found her, and she had explained the situation, he had decided it was in her best interest for him to help her prepare for her double date. Who better then the manwhore right? If you would have told her a month ago, that she would be relying on Mark instead of her kickass personality, she would have called you Sarah Palin, because that is just insane.

"Consevative sexy outfit?" Mark asked as he had Arizona stand in front of his bedroom mirror. Arizona was wearing a black tank top, a knee length black skirt, a black jean jacket, and black boots. Her hair was done in it's usual fashion, and she only bothered to put eyeliner on because let's face it, she was pretty hot and didn't need too much make up.

"Check." Why so much black? Because black was the color of sin, and Arizona was going to have a buckets worth tonight.

"Sexy voice?" She hadn't lied when she said she was going to practice.

"Check." She said as she lowered her vioce till it sounded raspy. Sexy indeed.

"Gum?" Arizona grabbed the packet out of her pocket and shoved a piece in her mouth.

"Check." Stinky breath was a no-no.

"What am I?" Arizona turned to look at Mark and rolled her eyes when she saw the smug look on his face. Sometimes too much confidence was a bad thing. Especially for Mark.

"A hunky piece of man candy." That's right, she said man candy. It felt just as wrong as it sounded.

"What are you?" Fuck. Her. Sideways.

"A sexy kitten." she mumbled as she looked towards the ground. She could almost here the grin on Marks face. It didn't matter anymore, she had already lost her dignity days ago right?

"Alright. Your ready. Go get 'em tiger."


Be sexy, flirt shamelessly, chew high amounts of gum. Be sexy, flirt shamelessly, chew high amounts of gum. If she just remembered those rules she'd be fine. She need to focus on the prize, and not think naughty thoughts about what Callie might be wearing, or not wearing. Dammit. She had a problem. She needed to focus, she could do that. She used to focus all the time in highschool, and she had went to an all girls school. Then again, she had also gotten nookie on a regular basis in highschool. So maybe that idea didn't apply here.

Either way, she needed to be professional, and figure out a way to not push Callie up against a wall and kiss her, or push Erica in front of a bus making it look like an accident. What? She was just saying.

She had been extremely immersed in her thoughts, that she had completely forgotten that Lexie was walking beside her as they walked towards the theater to meet Callie and Erica. She was also wearing a skirt and boots, but with a blue top, instead of black, and no jacket. Lexie was quiet, but then again Lexie was always quiet. Arizona was in debt to her though for coming on this date even though she kind of gave her no other choice. Maybe she'd buy Lexie a stuffed animal as a thank you. Baby interns liked those kinds of things right? eh. At least if all else fails, and her plan jus tso happens to go awry, at least she'll get some free popcorn. Boy did she love popcorn.

They made it to the theater in pretty decent time, as long as your not in terrible shape, and you know your way around, and again, your not in heels, Seattle wasn't that bad of a place to walk around. As they walked in to the theater she could feel her heart start to speed up, here goes nothing right? It was time to nut up, or shut up.

"Hey." Callie said as Arizona and Lexie walked towards them. Arizona could have told you in description, detail for detail, the exact way Callie was dressed and it wouldn't have done her justice. She was in a low cut red dress, that stopped right above the knees, and she had on black ballet shoes, with a simple black jacket. Arizona was wrong when she used to imagine Heaven filled with rainbows and sunshine, because this right here was heaven. She was really, really pretty. Really.

"Hey." Lexie replied for Arizona, because apparently she was too stunned to speak.

"I hope I look okay." Callie said as she tried to flaten down her dress. Okay? She looked super amazing.

"You look amazing. That dress is tight in all the right places." Arizona froze and pulled her hand away as if burned. So much for flirting shamelessly.

"It is tight in all the right places." Erica responded as she walked up towards Callie and put an arm around her waist. Remember what she said about Heaven? Yeah, well this was hell. Erica was wearing a simple white dress, which didn't suit her at all. That wasn't the color of the devil. Maybe that was being a bit mean, Arizona should try and be nice tonight.

Callie gave her a small smile as Erica pulled her towards the theater. It was one of those very small, very simple theaters that played old movies. Arizona had to hand it to Erica, it was an extroidinary place to have a first date. Maybe Erica wasn't that bad.

"I thought that you would be able to appreciate this movie. I think it's one you will really like." Erica called over her shoulder as Arizona read the sign of what movie was playing. Sleepless in Seattle. She took it back, Erica was the devil.

As they took their seats in the theater, Arizona sat next to Lexie, not really in the mood to deal with violence, or obsession. If she could just make it through the night, she would be fine. The problem was Callie seemed to have read her thoughts, and sat right next to her. What was this woman doing to her? Callie was making all her insides all jumpy and making her sweat in really uncomfortable places.
If her heart were to be beating any faster, she would have called 911, because it just couldn't be healthy. Right? This shit was insane.

Arizona hardly paid attention to the movie. She was more focused on making sure her arm didn't accidently graze Callie's chest, or any other part of Callie's body that friends weren't allowed to touch. She was also pretty focused on making sure she didn't have a heart attack, because that would just be super embarrassing. Super. Arizona was so glad for the movie to be over, she wasn't even paying attention to the fact that she didn't get any popcorn. Wait, she didn't get any popcorn! What. The. Hell.

After they walked outside she noticed how chilly it was, and just how hungry she was. All that focusing really worked up an appetite. She had a feeling that wasn't the only thing she could do with Callie that'd work up an appetite. God she needed to get laid.

"Anyone up for food? I know this great little restuarant" Callie asked as they walked farther outside. Wow. It was like she had read Arizona's mind. Maybe she could! Arizona panicked for a second before she realized that it wasn't humanly possible. Thank god.

"I'm pretty hungry." Lexie replied nodding her head as she shivered. Oh yeah, the girl didn't have a jacket.

"Are you cold Little Grey?" Erica asked as she gave a sly smile. Arizona really, really hated her. Really.

"Lexie." Arizona corrected. Granted it was more to piss her off then to stand up for Lexie. She was aware of what people called Lexie, and in her opinion it was rude. She was still a person. A person with feelings.

"Excuse me?" That's right you heard her!

"Her name is Lexie." Lexie looked startled as Arizona walked over to her and placed her jacket over Lexie's shoulders. She was in fact, Lexie's date, so it was her job to act like one. She could do that and win Callie's heart. Erica looked speechless as a frown formed on her face. Score! Arizona 1, Erica 0.

"So what was your favorite part of the movie?" Erica asked as they started heading towards the restuarant. Crap. This woman was going to either kill or embarass her. Arizona didn't remember what the movie was even about.

"You know. The part where people stopped being Sleepless in Seattle." Callie and lexie both giggled. She guessed that never happened in the movie? Oh well.

Erica and Callie were holding hands as they walked in front of Arizona and Lexie. That whole pushing Erica in front of a bus plan was sounding really tempting right now. No. She wouldn't fare well in prison. So instead of commiting murder, Arizona slowed down her pace so that there was a decent number of feet between her and whats her face. Almost as if on cue Lexie grabbed Arizona's hand. Freaking her out for a second. She had thought a bum was trying to kidnap her at first.

Huh. Lexie grabbed her hand, Lexie was straight right?

"I really don't like her." Lexie whispered as she nodded to Erica. Well that was obvious. What person did?

"I'm pretty sure she doesn't like you too." She was really sure. REALLY. Then again she was sure Erica didn't like anybody.

"Your pretty uptight." Thanks for stating the obvious.

"Thanks?" It was more then the obvious. It was like a fact now.

"Especially around Callie." Arizona froze. There was no way Lexie knew.

"What are you trying to say?" If Lexie could notice, Little Lexie could, then that meant so could Erica AND Callie. Holy crap she was screwed.

"That I really don't like her." Yeah, she got that.


"The point is that I'm willing to help you. Im not dumb, I notice things, even when they aren't as obvious as you are. Im willing to help you make Callie jealous." Well, that was suprising.

"Why?" Honestly, Arizona didn't know what Lexie was getting out of this situation. Even if she hated Erica. Breaking her and Callie up would just make Erica more mean, and Lexie didn't bode well with mean people.

"Because you were the first person to call me Lexie." Huh. Maybe she had underestimated her. Lexie was like a cute little puppy that got neglected. It was time she got a little attention.

They got to the restuarant pretty quickly, entered inside and Erica went to find a person who could get them a table fast. The restuarant wasn't overly classy, but it wasn't shabby either. It suited Callie, it had this artsy vibe going to it. How Callie and Erica meshed, Arizona would never know. It had completely blown her mind that her and Lexie were holding hands until she noticed Callie glance down at their entertwined fingers. She saw a frown pass onto Callie's lips, and that's when she knew. That's when she knew she wasn't just chasing after an unattainable girl. Callie felt something for her. She really did. Excuse her while she threw a little party in her mind.

Erica returned with a waiter that quickly showed them to their table. All in all the dinner was pretty boring, except for little glances Callie kept making towards Arizona's and Lexie's hands, and the little tidbit she learned about how Callie didn't like beef, which she stored in her mind in case she ever got the chance to use it. Everyone was almost done with their food, which was pretty tasty, and working on the ice cream sundaes Arizona had ordered for them.

"So." Erica began as she took a bite of ice cream, "aren't you a little young to be an attending?" She was 31. She didn't think that was young, maybe compared to Erica's ancient age! Okay, that wasn't funny. But she deserved a little credit for trying.

"In the doctor world I guess. I skipped a few grades when i was younger and finished med school quickly. I'm only 31 though." She certainly felt younger then 31 around Callie though.

"I don't think that's that old." Lexie said as she leaned closer to Arizona. Callie was oddly quiet. She just kept looking at Arizona and Lexie. Apparently Erica had noticed to because her frown deepened.

"Well what would you know. Your just an intern." Ouch. Poor Lexie.

"How do you make an egg roll?" Arizona quickly asked, trying to change the subject. Callie finally snapped out of whatever haze she was in and looked at Arizona as her she shook her head along with Erica and Lexie.

"You push it." Haha. Yay for corny jokes. It was good enough for Callie because she let out a small chuckle.

"You have a wonderful laugh." Shit. Did she just say that outloud? Yup she did. Because now Erica was glaring at her and taking Callie's hand.

"I don't think that was that funny." Well. Who cares? Callie laughed, and that was all Arizona really cared about.

"Well what would you know. Your not very funny." Lexie said. Arizona gasped as Callie started choking on her wine. Woah. That was completely unexpected. She definately didn't think Lexie had it in her. Definately.

"What did you say Little Grey?" Yeah, Arizona wasn't getting in the middle of this one. Lexie looked frightened for a second before she took a deep breath.

"It's Lexie. I have a name, it wasn't like I was born and the doctors knew I was related to this gloomy depressed girl named Meredith and decided to stamp 'Little Grey' on my head, okay? And your not funny, like at all. Your...your just a mean person, and i get that your allowed to be mean to men, but not outside of the hospital. Not when you no longer have the privelege to. Not right now." Lexie mumbled, and quickly started downing a cup of water. Wow. Go Lexie.

Arizona took the chance to look over at Erica who's mouth was hangin open. Apparently she didn't think Lexie had it in her either. Tonight was turning out to be pretty eventful, so what if she didn't get her free popcorn, she got to see a dumbfounded Erica Hahn, which was like seeing god. Callie looked over to Erica and then back at Lexie who looked like she was going to have a panic attack.

"Okay. Lexie." Well so much for a not awkward night. Although with the help of Lexie and Erica's bickering, she hadn't had a chance to embarass herself. Plus Callie had been unusually quiet during the dinner. Arizona was going to break the tension with her talking toaster joke, because who really didn't like that joke? But she was cut off by the sight of Callie leaning over and kissing Erica.

Was she filled with hate? Most likely. Was she filled with jealousy? Probably. But the thing that suprised her was that she was angry, and shocked, and sad. She knew they were together, but somewhere deep down she had been hoping that they weren't. A part of her didn't want to believe it, but seeing them kiss cemented it in her mind, and she realized that operation 'Arizona wins Callie' was over. She needed to go before she burst into tears or flames. Whichever came first.

"If you just excuse me, i need to go to the bathroom." She gave Lexie's hand a quick squeeze and avoided Callie's questioning gaze, and pratically ran to the bathroom. She was right to say that obsessions ended in heartbreak. She could feel it, her heart breaking as all hope left her body. She looked at herself in the mirror as the bathroom door opened behind her. She turned around expecting Lexie, or even Erica. But not Callie.

"Callie...what are you doing here?" That was a stupid question. She guessed she wasn't over embarassing herself and damaging her ego.

"It's a bathroom Arizona." Yeah. Duh.

"Oh. Yeah. Okay." Really. REALLY?

"It bugs me." Callie whispered so quietly that Arizona almost didn't hear her. What bugs her?

"What does?" If it was her, she would pretty much die.

"Lexie." Oh. Yeah, probably because she insulted her girlfriend. Her mean, undeserving girlfriend. "She's perky."

"Im perky." Arizona responded as Callie walked towards her. Well she was.

"Yeah but she's perky, and peppy, and neurotic. And it just bugs me." Perky people bug Callie? There goes all of Arizona's hope.

"Are you trying to say that i bug you?" Don't cry. She really needed to not cry.

"No!" Callie exclaimed as she stopped a few inches in front of Arizona, "No. It's just, she's perky, and peppy...and she doesn't really talk...and she touches you, and it just bugs me." She literally thought her heart stopped beating. But it couldn't have right? Especially if she still had brain function right. RIGHT?

Arizona licked her lips, "Why does it bug you?"

Callie looked down and bit her lip, "Because she shouldn't be allowed too. No one should. Except for me." If she wasn't in a bathroom she would have literally jumped for joy. Or screamed. Or fainted, but seeing how none of those were options, she just stood there with her mouth slightly agape. Until Callie leaned in towards her. Oh god. A thousand thoughts ran through her head at once. Did her breath smell? Why would someone name their cat kitty? Was this just a hallucination?

Her thoughts were silenced as Callie placed a quick soft kiss on her lips before pulling away and walking slowly towards the door.

"That's why."


The rest of the dinner Arizona had a grin attached to her face. It didn't matter how much Erica insulted her, or what Lexie said. Her mind was completely focused on that one moment, that 5 second kiss that stopped her heart, then made it start beating again. She didn't pay attention to anything as Lexie walked her to her apartment, she didn't even say goodnight as she entered it. She was just that freaking happy. She was so caught up in her own thoughts that she almost didn't hear the knock on her door. She opened it to reveal a sheepish looking Lexie. She stepped to the side and allowed her in, shutting the door behind her.

"What are you doing here?" Seriously what? She wanted to remember the kiss in silence.

"Your uptight. Too uptight, and I would know. You need to relax, because Erica will start to notice even more then she does now." Okay. That was it?

"And?" Seriously. She was wasting her time.

Lexie walked towards Arizona and looked at her before sliding her hand in Arizona's pajama pants.

"And I'm here to help you with that."

Arizona was going to hell.

*Dodges tomatoes and knives*
I'm sorry! I couldn't resist. Tell me what you think.

art: fanfiction, fanfic: callie/arizona

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