Pairs Drabble

Oct 29, 2009 00:17

Title: Pairs
Author: darsfebruary
Rating: G
Pairing: Ensemble
Prompt: Evolution
Disclaimer: See sidebar.
A/N: So, I got booted from Last Fanfic Author Standing in this most recent round, but I thought I'd share my last drabble since it included the ladies.

Mark rested one hand on the curve of his dance partner’s silk-covered waist and guided her smoothly across the floor with his other. With a fluid motion, he spun her around and then reeled her quickly back in. Arizona laughed like a schoolgirl and settled back into Mark’s easy strides. She didn’t know where he had learned, but he could definitely give the other guys she had danced with a run for their money, and that included several very suave military types.

A few couples over, just past Cristina and Owen, Callie rested her cheek on her father’s shoulder, eyes closed blissfully as they swayed in a small circle. Arizona either sighed with contentment or Mark just caught her staring, because he followed her gaze and was soon dancing them over to the father/daughter pair. Arizona stood on tiptoe and leaned into his ear for a “Thank you” as the song wound down. Mark shrugged in a way that Arizona read as “My pleasure” and released his partner’s hand.

Turning about, Arizona tapped lightly on Mr. Torres’s shoulder. He looked behind him, then down. Finding Arizona, he turned back to his daughter and spoke softly into her ear. He brought her hand to his lips. “Mija.” He handed her to Arizona and they danced away, arms encircling one another, Callie’s big white dress swallowing their legs, making them look like a pair of very contented, conjoined brides.

Callie’s two men watched the women from a distance before catching one another’s eye. Mark held out his hand and Mr. Torres grasped it for a solid shake. Then Mark heard Lexie’s laugh ripple across the room like ice falling into a glass. She was seated at the wedding party table, sharing a piece of cake with Mrs. Torres, who had borrowed baby George from Meredith after the ceremony and had yet to return him.

art: fanfiction, fanfic: callie/arizona

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