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Comments 65

cardfan82 April 10 2016, 10:56:33 UTC
I really have no words if they have Callie seriously want to take Sofia away for an entire year from Arizona. Wow. And especially with someone she has barely even dated and just said she didn't want to rush things. All about the drama and thrills, I guess.

I was looking at the press release for 12x19 again and Vanessa Calloway is listed as a guest star on it when Arizona makes her decision. And then next episode, Callie makes her decision. This is all so confusing.

Also, if Sara was really leaving, wouldn't the grant be longer? She would get a better exit story than this I'm sure because I really doubt she would want to leave making her character look horrible.


withoutyoursmil April 10 2016, 13:24:28 UTC
If Sara were really leaving, I can't imagine that they would've written her last year this way, and I also can't imagine that she wouldn't have provided them with as much notice as possible so that information could, if the writers wanted, influence her storyline.

Callie has barely been a presence all season. She pops up every other episode or so, has two to three inconsequential lines and then maybe you'll see her the following week. Like beyond Callie/Penny or Callie/Arizona, I can't believe that the writers wouldn't have wanted to do better by her just as a standalone character.


funkyshaz57 April 10 2016, 20:52:30 UTC
The thing is, if she is leaving which looks like it might seem more likely, she probably has no say in how she leaves. She's getting some drama now, some more screen time so that's that really. And what other way could she possibly leave without them killing her off. It does seem a little weird they would destroy her character when leaving as that is what it would do. She'd be remembered as the woman who took a child from her mother but in the end if she's gone, she's gone ( ... )


kaz27 April 10 2016, 11:38:47 UTC
I have seen these and there is loads of speculation that it is going to be a custody. I just don't see what the point of this storyline would be.
If either actress were leaving surely they would come up with a more positive exit.
Penny is only going for 12 months - why have Callie follow her - if it is custody what's the point whoever wins - what they going to do next season skip 12 months and have Callie and Penny return.
Would Callie and Arizona really put Sofia through a custody battle.
There are also BTS with Sara and Jason - could this be something to do with him
I just wonder why now they are making some Calzona drama
I am just going to see where this goes I think the writers are going somewhere else but we shall see - I definately see a choice coming up for Callie
And don't forget Penny hasn't been announced as a series regular yet she could be gone at the end of the season - fingers crossed


withoutyoursmil April 10 2016, 13:30:27 UTC
I don't get that either - a bitter custody war over twelve months? Why would Callie uproot Sofia's entire life over twelve months?

Arizona is the one who doesn't believe in long distance relationships, but do we know how Callie feels about the matter? A year isn't very long and it's not like she and Penny couldn't easily plan visits. Unlike Arizona, Penny is just moving across the country, not the world...

This grant doesn't feel weighty enough to warrant such an upheaval.


kaz27 April 10 2016, 12:29:47 UTC
What about bitter custody battle, Callie wins, Arizona does some epic speech, Callie realises how much Arizona actually does love her and Sofia - then "drum roll" cliffhanger will Callie go with Penny.
This story isn't being written for nothing lol
Then again there is still the option of a medical scare with Sofia.
They have purposely employed an older actress so more scenes coming up for Sofia.


keebs26 April 10 2016, 12:39:14 UTC
They really had no choice but to hire another actress to play Sofia. All the kids were recast because of the time jumps. They're older now. It wouldn't make sense if the same twins played Sofia.


keebs26 April 10 2016, 12:44:56 UTC
I'm actually surprised someone put these pics out. The entire Calzona/Penny storyline has basically all been spoiled other than the outcome. Usually they'd want to keep things like this hush, hush. I still don't quite understand the reasoning behind this sudden storyline, even to milk SaRa's contract situation. I don't think this is the way SaRa would want to go out. I'm 100% sure she's coming back or why have Penny's grant be 1 yr? That means people would be expecting her back. I just think it's silly that anything would come to this if it means potentially hurting Sofia.

And I get everyone wants their friends support & probably character witnesses, but does anyone else feel like Penny should not be there considering she literally just met Sofia? It just doesn't look good IMO. If I was her, I would feel awkward there.


jb4uiwill April 10 2016, 21:32:20 UTC
Penny being there pisses me off. Like damn, she doesn't have to be involved in everything! She's worse than a damn shadow!


captstarbuck April 10 2016, 13:08:14 UTC
My initial thoughts were that the court scenes would be for Ben or Japril, but having the judge in the BTS pic AND Penny makes me think it's something to do with Sofia-Callie-Penny-Arizona. Seeing Bailey in the pic (and I don't think this is the one she directed) makes me think that possibly Bailey will step in as "Switzerland". Bailey seems to be the only one that is both of their friends (though her telling Arizona it was a fire-able offense has me wondering how good a friend she really is).

I can't believe they would write it this way. There's no way that Callie would up and move her daughter for a woman she's only known months and her daughter has known about a NY minute. It's not like Penny is going across the world for 3 years. It's one year and a six hour flight.

I can see Callie staying and resenting Arizona next season as we wait for the return of the bad penny.


almicah April 10 2016, 16:32:20 UTC
Why would she resent Arizona? For not letting her take Sofia with her? There's a simple solution for that...let Sofia stay with Arizona. If Callie resented Arizona it would be childish.


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