Drabble Fics: "Field Trip" and "Gee Baby"

Oct 12, 2009 20:18

Title: Field Trip
Rating: PG
Pairing: Alex, Izzie, Mer, Cris, Lexie, Callie, Arizona
Disclaimer: See sidebar!
AN: Entry for the Last Fanfiction Author Standing prompts: “Maybe we don’t try that” and Salt. We're allowed to post our fics once the voting rounds have closed, so I thought I'd share the C/A-related stuff here!

“Whose field trip is this?”
“It’s your field trip.”
“Who had to have chemo and then die and see her dead best friend on the purgatory elevator and then wake up again and deal with THAT?”
“You did.”
“And who doesn’t have any hair?”
“You don’t have any hair.”
“So, I’ll ask again. Who gets to pick the rides?”
“You do, Iz.”
“That’s right. I pick this one.”

Izzie, sporting a neon pink Halloween wig, had pulled her husband in front of the Galleon, the oversized pirate ship swinging its riders in a sickening pendulum as they clung to the safety bars trapping them in.
“But you’re supposed to be taking it easy, Iz. The chemo’s still in your sys-”
“Alex? Shut up. We are getting in that pirate ship. We are doing this.”

Alex turned to his wife, staring up at the ship in determination. That’s when he knew it. She was going to be okay.



Lexie ran up to the bench where Mer and Cris had parked themselves with a basket of greasy fries and a depleted bag of cotton candy. “Hey guys! Izzie’s making Alex go on the Galleon.”
The residents ignored her.

“That’s not candy.”
“Fine, barf.”
“I don’t think it’s barf either.”

Lexie followed her sister’s gaze to the puddle of detritus melting on the sidewalk outside of Kiddieland. “Um, what are you guys doing?”
Yang pulled another wad of bright blue sugar from the bag. “Playing a game. And I’m winning.”
Lexie plucked a fry from the basket and took a seat. Over at the mini bumper cars, a little boy rushed through the exit gate and made it halfway to his mother before bending over.

“Barf! It's barf!!!"

Mer turned to her younger sister, who had bounced off the bench in her excitement.
“That’s just cheating, you cheater.”


Callie slid her five-dollar bill across the counter and received another set of beanbags.

“That makes fifteen.”
“You just stand there and eat your pretzel and look pretty.”
“I’m just saying, you could probably buy me a stuffed animal for fifteen dollars.”

Callie aimed and tossed her first bag at the gaping clown mouth painted across the plywood board. It pounded him in the eye and dropped to the ground. Arizona pulled off a bit of pretzel and gesticulated. “I’m a pretty simple girl, you know? You don’t need to impress me with your hand-eye coordination skills or a stuffed panda bear.”

As the second bag pounded the clown’s nose, Callie muttered, “I’m a surgeon, damnit! My hand-eye coordination is flawless!”
“Of course it is.”
“I hate that clown.”
Callie aligned her shot, wound up, and released the last beanbag with an angry grunt.

Hugging her panda bear to her chest, Arizona leaned forward and hovered an inch before her girlfriend’s lips. “I love it,” she said, and closed the kiss.

“Mmm” Callie said, licking her bottom lip as she pulled away. “Salty.”

Title: Gee Baby, Ain’t I Good To You
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Callie/Arizona
AN: My LFAS entry for the prompt: Hourglass

“It’s a present.”
“I know it’s a present. It’s just…it looks like clothes.”
“You know I, uh, I don’t generally let other people dress me. It's just, they always get it wrong. Like really, really wrong. And then I try it on and I can’t zip it, or I look like a whore or a senior citizen and it’s embarrassing for everyone involved.”
“You haven’t even seen it, Calliope.”
“Is there a gift receipt?”
“Just open it! Sheesh!”

Sliding her finger along the seam, Callie split apart the tissue paper bundle and revealed the sweetheart bust of a cocktail dress, emerald satin and darted across the ribs, accented by an impossibly thin yellow patent belt. She ran her fingertips over the glossy fabric.

“I know, right?”

Pulling the dress from its wrappings, Callie studied its shape. This is where so many others, from relatives to college boyfriends, had gotten it wrong. From the belted waist, the dress flared slightly then pulled back in at the knees. It was tasteful, gorgeous even, but totally, totally hot. This could work.

Arizona smirked from her perch on the couch.
“I have to say, it was really fun shopping for an hourglass figure. I’m not so much with the-mmm” she fought to verbalize the words through the haze of Callie working her way from her mouth to her ear, “-the uh, curv….ah….the curves to die for.”
“I like it.”
“Is that what that means?”
“I like it a lot.”
“You have to get undressed now. I mean, to try it on. Obviously.”

Callie disengaged with one last nip at Arizona’s earlobe and stepped back. She found the hem of her t-shirt and whipped it off.
Arizona pulled another tissue paper package from behind the couch cushion. “Don’t forget these.” Callie’s eyebrow quirked at the logo embossed on the paper.
“Oh really now? You went there.”
“I did.”
Not waiting for Callie to open the gift herself, Arizona freed the matching lingerie and stood to assist her girlfriend in the best possible way.
“I plan to go there often.”

art: fanfiction, fanfic: callie/arizona

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