Someone Like You (2/?)

Mar 18, 2011 00:32

Title: Someone Like You
Author: Fightingmonkeys
Pairing: Callie/Arizona
Rating: This chapter is PG but not all chapters will be.
Summary: Set six years after 7X16, Are Callie and Arizona both living their dreams?
Disclaimer: All television shows, books, movies, and other copyrighted material referred to in this work and the characters, events, and settings thereof are the properties of their respective owners. As this work is an interpretation of the original material and not for profit, it constitutes fair use. Reference to real persons, places, or events are made in a fictional context and are not intended to be libelous, defamatory, or in any way factual.

Present Day

I've just got to get though one more surgery before I can leave this damn hospital. Today has been a complete nightmare - waking up late, Emily depositing her breakfast all over my shirt, having a very public fight with the chief of ortho about my schedule, and to top it off the nurses have been talking in hushed voices and sneaking glances at me all day. If I can just make it to the coffee cart it'll be okay, I'll breeze though Mr. Davis's hip replacement and be home in time to have dinner and put my daughter to bed.

When the elevator finally arrives I punch the number for the ground floor, the coffee cart in the main entrance has had the best latte's recently. I lean against the back of the elevator and close my eyes, the hospital really need to invest in some new muzak, I've been listening to “True Colors” on the panpipes since the beginning of my residency. The elevator stops at what I guess is the surgical floor but I don't even open my eye's. I'm not in the mood for small talk, so if I don't open my eye's maybe they'll get the hint. I can't keep it up for long though because I get the uneasy feeling that I'm being watched, I open my eyes, a snarky remark on the tip of my tongue....

“Hello Calliope”

Oh. My. God.

Six years ago

“I love you”

My attention is drawn from my book to the cerulean eyes in front me of. I'm a little taken a back, Arizona has a way of looking at me that takes me breath away and right now is no different, only its the third time she's told me she loves me since we got home from the hospital and her gaze is kind of intense.

“Why do you keep saying that?”

She finally drops her gaze, bowing her head, her blonde curls fall from a makeshift ponytail and effectively shielding herself from me. It's not until wipes her hand across her face that I realize she's crying. I hate it when she cries, I'm racking my brain trying to come of with a reason for my girlfriends numerous declarations of love - anniversary, birthday....

“I need you to choose me”

I can barely make out what she's saying, half mumbled while staring intently at the old red wine stain on the edge of the rug. I really don't know what to say, does she think I'm cheating on her? She knows better, I'd never do that to her....

“What are you talking about Arizona, I already choose you”

I reach for her hand but she quickly pulls away and begins pacing in front of me. This can't be good, a pacing Arizona can never be a good thing.

“Except that you didn't. I know I'm not being fair, I know I'm being insecure and neurotic and I also know that there's nothing going on with you and Mark. Except that there kind of is. He's your best friend, only he's not just your best friend anymore he's your....our- baby daddy. He loves you, he gets you, you have all this history, you need each other - I get this I do, I really do. Only I love you, and I need you and I need for you to need me too. It scares me Calliope, it scares me that I need you this much. So I'm asking you to choose, choose me - let me be your best friend”

Present Day


This cannot be happening. I must be hallucinating. Only this Arizona looks different, her hair is shorter, her natural curls a little more unruly than she used to like - her face has more lines, small crows feet and laughter lines are accentuated when she flashes a full dimpled smile. Even after all this time I feel my knees go a little weak and I stumble a little, grabbing the railing for support.

“What are you doing here? I thought you were in Boston”

Her smile falters a little and she quickly averts her eyes. It all makes sense now, the nurse's with their staring and gossiping - Arizona Robbins is back, she's here in this hospital, she's in this elevator with me...that's getting unusually warm....oh god.

“I think we need to talk Callie. If you have time I'd like to talk, to explain. I know how hospital gossip works, I wanted you to hear it from me”


Okay, so I'm not really capable with the words right now, but this is Arizona freaking Robbins, standing in from of me after six years.

“I'm married Callie, I met someone and I got married and we have a little girl. But my wife she's sick, like really, really sick and I'm terrified that she's going to die and saying far more than I meant to, to my ex-girlfriend in a elevator”

Before I can formulate any kind of response, the doors to the elevator slide open and Mark steps in. He catches my eye, giving Arizona the once over before opening his big inappropriate mouth.

“Oh wow - this is awkward”

fanfic: arizona robbins, art: fanfiction, fanfic: callie torres

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