Season 6 Scene Survivor: Round 2

Dec 04, 2010 22:10

We've reached the hiatus period and are looking at a loooooooong month with no Grey's ahead... guess what our answer to this is?

More Grey's!

It's time to look back at some of the scenes that first made us all fall in love with this pairing. And it's time to make you choose your favourite! Last year, you decided that your favourite Callie/Arizona scene was the stairwell scene. So now it's time for the...

  • Vote for your least favourite scene.
  • Each vote is open for 24 hours
  • For the first 5 days, we will lose 2 scenes a day. Then we lose 1 scene every 24 hours, until we finally reach your favourite scene of season 6.

Number 1. Goodbye, 6x02.

Arizona: I have wine. White, and red. And I have cigarettes! Which is awful, I know. But I only smoke very very occasionally and it’s only when I know I’m gonna be in trouble. Like now.
Callie: It was inappropriate. Not to mention manipulative, and stupid. You smoke?
Arizona: I know, okay, listen, I know you have every reason to be mad at me, but I ran out of options, so -
Callie: It’s an expensive test! There was no indication to do it! There’s a reason Webber turned you down!
Arizona: So you didn’t do it.
Callie: Of course I did it, Arizona.

Number 2. I Always Feel Like Somebody’s Watchin’ Me, 6x03.

Arizona: Okay, you’re gonna have to help me out here cause I don’t know what that means.
Callie: I shouldn’t say anything, she’s my roommate.
Arizona: [raises eyebrow]
Callie: And you’re my girlfriend. Girlfriend trumps roommate. Okay, fine.

Number 3. I Always Feel Like Somebody’s Watchin’ Me, 6x03.

Arizona: I hate, hate, hate this merger. Because I hate long distance relationships. I don’t believe in them. So you can’t move to Portland.
Callie: Well when I mentioned it this afternoon you didn’t seem to mind. You were like, move to Portland.
Arizona: I didn’t know that I was allowed to mind. I didn’t know if we were girlfriends. But then you said girlfriend, you called me your girlfriend. So, I need to know. Am I your girlfriend?
Callie: Yeah!

Number 5. Tainted Obligation, 6x04.

Arizona: I lost my favourite scrub nurse yesterday. Anne. She’s a single mom, she’s a single mother, she’s supporting three kids and now she’s out of a job. And this morning, a ten month old haemorraged when I was deep in her chest, and I didn’t have my favorite scrub nurse. I had to actually look up and ask for a mesh wrap because new nurse didn’t know me. Anne knew all my moves before I even made them. And it felt terrible to be in the OR without her. I was really looking forward to spending thirty minutes in the park with my girlfriend. Because this merger thing? It’s important to all of us.
Callie: Sorry. I’ve been - sorry.
Arizona: He’ll say yes, or he’ll say no. And then you’ll know.

Number 6. Invasion, 6x05.

Arizona: I never had boyfriends. Ever. I had a poster on my wall of Cindy Crawford and I wasn’t just looking at her mole. It wasn’t news to my mom when I brought somebody home named Joanne. But you? You did amend your whole life. You loved men. You even married one. You want to talk about thirty years of relationship? He’s been consistent for thirty years. And all of a sudden, you’re a whole new girl. So cut him some slack. Sit down and have a conversation. Give him room to be a little shocked.
Callie: I hate you.
Arizona: Cause I’m right. And I’m awesome.

Number 7. Invasion, 6x05.

Arizona: Didn’t go well, huh?
Callie: Well at least now I can move on with my life. Stop entertaining any thoughts of actually getting back together with my family. I don’t need a father. I don’t. Not one who won’t accept me. 
Arizona: Cry.

Number 8. Give Peace a Chance, 6x07.

Callie: Okay, I totally thought that was gonna end different.
Arizona: [cries]
Callie: Yeah, more like that.

Number 9. Invest in Love, 6x08.

Arizona: Please don’t be mine, please don’t be mine. Not mine. Wake up. [pushes Callie out of bed]
Callie: I’m up!
Arizona: They’re paging you. [pager goes off] I’m sleeping!

Number 10. Invest in Love, 6x08.

Callie: Hey. You okay?
Arizona: Tell me I’m great?
Callie: What?
Arizona: I need for you to tell me that I’m great.
Callie: You’re great.
Arizona: No, I mean really tell me. Because I’m about to go into a surgery right now that I’m not sure I should be going in on. And I can’t think like that, right? I can’t go into the OR feeling like this. So I need you to tell me I’m great. And make me hear it.
Callie: You are great. You. Are. Great.

Number 11. Invest in Love, 6x08.
Arizona: What I needed from you tonight was a little support for once. And you weren’t here!
Callie: Okay, you’re scared and so you’re picking a fight. You get that, yeah?
Arizona: Yeah, yeah, fine whatever. But I have helped you through crisis after crisis, and for once I thought I could come here tonight and I could get something!

Number 12. Invest in Love, 6x08.

Arizona: I love you.
Callie: You do?
Arizona: I do.
Callie: I love you too.

Number 13. Blink, 6x11.

Callie: Knock much?
Lexie: I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.
Callie: Oh, there’s no more hot water.

Number 14. I Like You So Much Better When You’re Naked, 6x12.

Callie: I have a headache, I need coffee.
Arizona: I have a cure for a headache that doesn’t involve coffee.

Number 15. I Like You So Much Better When You’re Naked, 6x12.

Arizona: You’re hot.
Callie: You’re hot too.
Arizona: No, you’re hot, hot.
Callie: Oh, okay, thanks!
Arizona: No, no, you have a fever. You have a fever. What is that? Oh my god. 
Callie: What?
Arizona: Pox. Pox. You have chicken pox!

Number 16. I Like You So Much Better When You’re Naked, 6x12.

Arizona: Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey! You’re not going anywhere. You are highly contagious right now. You leave this room and you’re going to touch doorknobs and elevator buttons and then you’ll be the outbreak monkey.
Callie: I’m going to kill you.
Arizona: I love you.

Number 17. I Like You So Much Better When You’re Naked, 6x12.

Callie: What are you doing? You’ll get the chicken pox.
Arizona: So, I get the chicken pox.

Number 19. Push, 6x17.

Arizona: You’re amazing.
Callie: We’re amazing. We’re the stable couple now, we’re the one that everyone wants to be. I can just see us ten years from now in a big old house with kids running round, giving sage sane advice to Mark Sloan. Who will still be single.
Arizona: Well, I’m it for all but the kids. 
Callie: What?
Arizona: Mm, no kids. And by no, I mean yikes no.

Number 20. Suicide is Painless, 6x18.

Callie: This is really hard for me to say, cause I really care about you. And...
Arizona: Oh my god, you’re breaking up with me. Mark, is it Mark, are you sleeping with Mark again? Are you one of those fake lesbians, just having a paid vacation in lesbian-land? 
Callie: Okay, stop. God, it’s not bad. This thing I have to tell you isn’t bad. Um, I just - I wanna have a baby. At some point in my life, that’s all. I really - I have to have a baby.

Number 21. Sympathy for the Parents, 6x19.

Callie: I wanna have a baby. And I can’t talk about lotion or poundcake or anything else, because you don’t want to have a baby, and I do. 
Arizona: So, we’re gonna talk about it.
Callie: Yeah. We are gonna talk about it.

Number 22. Hook, Line and Sinner 6x20

Callie: Close your eyes. Picture a baby. A warm, smushy little baby. Wrapping its chubby little arms around your neck. You’ll breathe in that intoxicating baby smell. Doesn’t it just melt you?
Arizona: Nope. You know what melts me? Spain, the beach. You in a bikini, me holding a sangria. Oh, wait. What’s that I hear? The baby’s crying. We can’t go to Spain. 
Callie: A sangria? That’s why I don’t get a kid? I can make you a fricking sangria.

Number 23. Hook, Line and Sinner 6x20

Callie: I get it. You watch parents go through horrible, unimaginable pain every day. And you went through horrible, unimaginable pain when you lost your brother. And your parents never got over it. But if we had a baby... our baby’s not going to be one of those kids in your NICU. Our baby won’t be your brother. I mean it kinda would, but... Do you know how happy our baby would be?
Arizona: I’m gonna say this once, and then I’m not going to say it again. I’m not broken. I’m not some psychodrama. My lack of interest in having a child is not some pathology that you can pat yourself on the back for having diagnosed. I like my life. I like it the way that it is. I don’t want it to change. I thought I liked it with you in it. I hope I’m not wrong.

Number 24. Hook, Line and Sinner 6x20

Callie: My cousin’s baby punched her in the face. Literally. She had a black eye from a one-year-old. Who needs that, right? I don’t need that. They scream. They cry. They smell like poop, the house smells like poop. 
Arizona: Don’t. Don’t. Don’t.

Number 25. How Insensitive, 6x21.

Callie: I love you. Everything about you. But there’s this one thing that I need, and I can’t ask you to change. I don’t want you to change. 
Arizona: I can’t be the one that keeps you from having a baby. I love you too

Number 26. Shiny Happy People, 6x22.

Callie: Arizona...

Number 27. Sanctuary, 6x23.

Callie: I have spent the last month trying to convince myself that I don’t need kids to be happy. Really trying. Giving lectures to myself, saying it out loud to you and to Mark, and turning myself inside out to want what you wanted. And then I stopped for a second and I thought, did you ever try? To imagine what it would be like to change, for me? Because I don’t think you did. What you did was you dismissed my dream. My dream. Which says to me that you don’t give a rat’s ass if I’m happy. I never understood squat about who you are, and now I do and I don’t like it. 
Arizona: Oh really, really, really? I’m supposed to change for you? Why? Because we’re in love? I mean, because you fall in love all the time. Men, women...

Number 28. Sanctuary, 6x23.

Callie: When are you going to forgive me for not being a good enough lesbian for you?
Arizona: When you do something to convince me that you’re falling in love with me and not with being in love. When you do something to convince me that I’m different than George O’Malley, Erica Hahn, Mark Sloane, and the girl at the coffee-cart. I mean, you have a huge heart, and I love that about you, but I don’t trust you. Why would I?

Number 29. Death and All His Friends, 6x24.

Ruby: I want my mommy!
Callie: I know, I know you do. She’s going to be back soon. But you know what, until she does you have the best doctor in the whole world with you right now. Yeah, Dr Robbins is the best doctor in this entire hospital. I think in the whole world. Yeah, people feel so much better after she helps them. Sometimes feel better just after she walks in the room. ‘Cause she has got this super magic smile. Yeah, and when she smiles at you, everything gets better. And you don’t know it because you have your back to her right now, but she is giving you - wow. She is giving you her best super magic smile. Isn’t that right, Dr Robbins?
Arizona: Right. I am, Ruby. I am.

Number 30. Death and All His Friends, 6x24.

Arizona: I’m gonna go and see if kids need help finding their parents.
Callie: People died. People are dead. I don’t want to have kids if it means I can’t be with you.
Arizona: No. No. We’ll have kids. We’ll have all kinds of kids. And I always thought that I wasn’t cut out to be a mom, but you’ll be a great mom. You’ll be an amazing mom. And I love you so much, and I can’t live without you and our ten kids.

Please remember to vote for your LEAST favourite scene and only vote in ONE poll.


And here's those that you didn't like...

Number 4. Tainted Obligation, 6x04. - Voted off Round 1.

Number 18. Push, 6x17. - Voted off Round 1.

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