Fanfic: Drugged Chapter 9

Nov 16, 2010 19:50

Title: Drugged

Author: Aloneinthisbed

Rating: 14+ strong language, sexual themes and drugs

Summary: After offering to help a young drug addict, Arizona ends up in a whole world of trouble...

Disclaimer: I do not own Grey's Anatomy or any of the doctors etc. All rights go to ABC and Shonda Rhimes.


"Calliope Torres?! Where is she??!" Arizona yelled as she slammed her arms down on the front desk at the police station.

Various members of staff from the hospital had seen Callie being escorted away by the police and the news spread like wildfire, eventually reaching Arizona.

Arizona had forgotten that she'd borrowed Callie's scrubs that day. She mentally slapped herself for not remembering or checking. She'd gone over the scene a thousand times making sure she'd covered everything, but she never checked the scrubs.

She never meant for it to get this far. It was out of control, and now Callie had been arrested for something she hadn't even done.

The woman at the front desk looked up at Arizona. "They've just brough her in, she's in the interrogation room, you'll have to wait." She scowled.

"I need to talk to her!!" Arizona yelled again, getting increasingly frustrated with the woman.

"I said you can't."

"Well then I need to speak with the investigator on Seth Moore's case, I have information which may help."

The woman looked up at Arizona again and rolled her eyes. "You need to see Detective Williams, his office is the last door on the left down that corridor." She said slowly.

Arizona shot her a fake smile as she set off down the corridor, ignoring everything else around her and just focusing on the last door on the left.

"Detective Williams?" She called out as she knocked twice and then slowly opened the door, but the room was empty.

She could hear someone yelling in the room across the hall, their voice muffled. Arizona's curiosity got the better of her and she edged her way across the corridor and pressed her ear to the door.

A familiar sound filled her. Someone inside was crying, it was a sound Arizona had heard before, a sound that made her heart break into a thousand tiny pieces. It was Callie.

Forcefully pushing open the door Arizona barged in. Her eyes landed on Callie sat at the desk, her head in her hands and her body trembling as gut wrenching sobs took hold of her.

"Hey, what do you think you're doing in here?!" A burly looking detective yelled as Arizona moved from the door towards Callie, gathering her up in her arms.

"It's ok," Arizona whispered as she held Callie tightly. "It's gonna be ok." Callie's sobs lessened as Arizona ran her fingers through her hair and planted soft kisses on her head. It was a perfect embrace, their bodies moulded together until a pair of strong arms pulled Arizona back.

"I said, what are you doing in here?!! I'm in the middle of an interrogation!!"

Arizona feebily tried to fight the detective off but he managed to regain control with ease. He slammed her hard against the wall and held her there with one hand whilst his other reached down for his radio. "I need security to room 4!"

"You've got the wrong person!!" Arizona tried to say, her voice muffled from the wall. "Callie didn't do anything wrong!!"

"Arizona don't!!" Callie interrupted, she began to stand up and move towards them, but the detective gestured for her to sit again.

"And how would you know I have the wrong person?!"

"Because it was me!!!" Arizona yelled again, trying to free herself from the detective's grasp. Her ribs were being crushed against the wall making it harder and harder to breathe.

The Detective picked up his radio again and told security not to come. Placing handcuffs around Arizona's wrist he sat her down on a chair opposite Callie.

"Alright you two better start talking, or I'm arresting you both for this murder."

Slowly looking up at Callie Arizona took a deep breath before telling the Detective the whole story. Starting with Pauline's death and ending with Seth's.

The Detective sat and listened intently, taking everything in. When Arizona had finished he sighed, rubbing his forehead with his hands. "We've recieved word of this Connor guy before." He said slowly. "Only problem is we have no idea who he is, we don't even know if he exists."

"I'm not lying I-"

"I know, I believe you, for now anyway. Look if you can lead us to Connor, then you two go free. If not then you're both looking at murder charges."

art: fanfiction, fanfic: callie/arizona

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