Fanfic: Drugged Chapter 5

Nov 11, 2010 15:20

Title: Drugged

Author: Aloneinthisbed

Rating: 14+ strong language, sexual themes and drugs

Summary: After offering to help a young drug addict, Arizona ends up in a whole world of trouble...

Disclaimer: I do not own Grey's Anatomy or any of the doctors etc. All rights go to ABC and Shonda Rhimes.


Arizona stood and took in the carnage around her, she cold still taste the vodka from the night before as she racked her brain for a solution to the sticky situation she had somehow found herself in. Her fingerprints were everywhere, they were on the vodka bottle, the gun, or the murder weapon as the police would see it, they were even all over the walls in Seth's blood as she had scrambled around in the dark. She had his blood on her clothes and she was also the last person to see him alive. Even an idiot would be able to convict her for this.

She closed her eyes hoping that when she opened them again everything would disappear, it would all just be a horrible nightmare, but it didn't disappear and it wasn't just a nightmare.

She couldn't just tell the police, they would still arrest her for it, all the evidence pointed towards her, and even if she did manage to somehow get away with it, Connor would probably kill her.

Arizona had watched far too much CSI to know that she wasn't going to get away with this, but a bigger part of her willed her to try anyway. She grabbed her bag off the matress in the corner and began rooting around in it for anything that might help. Pulling out her scrubs from work the day before she picked up the gun again and wiped it clean before placing back down on the floor and doing the same with the vodka bottle.

Stamped all over the walls were her fingerprints, clear as day. She ran over to the shabby kitchen area, looking for some bleach or somekind of cleaning product, but all she found was a half eaten cookie and a lot of weed. It was probably a good thing really as she remembered that CSI's have a cool spray that shows up where blood has been.

Frantically thinking of another solution her eyes travelled back down to Seth's body. She dropped to her knees by his side and began to sob. All she wanted to do was help him and now he was dead. A 16 year old boy murdered practically right in front of her, and she did nothing to help, though there's only so much you can do when you're unconscious. Arizona ran her hand over his face closing his eyes.

She thought about just torching the place, burning it all to the ground, however fire caramelises blood perfectly preserving the evidence. Wait, that was it, blood. Arizona scrambled to her feet and grabbed her scrub top again, dipping some of it in Seth's blood she ran it across the walls smudging the fingerprints. You can't trace fingerprints if they're smudged.

Feeling a sense of achievement Arizona looked around the room once more, checking that she had covered everything. Satisfied with her work she picked up her bloody scrubs and left, making her way down the hallway back to the outside world. Thankfully no one was around to see her, but she kept her head down anyway.

The huge steel door was still open from the previous night and Arizona slipped back outside with ease. Standing in the sunlight she could see the full extent of the blood that now covered her shirt. Quickly tossing her scrubs into a dumpster she then fastened her coat up tightly hiding the blood, before shoving her hands into her pockets and setting off again.

She was already late for work and knew the Chief wouldn't be very happy, but honestly she had other things to worry about. She snuck in through the staff entrance around the back and made her way up to the locker room and showers, thankfully not being seen by anybody she knew.

Once safely inside she tossed her bag into her locker and went for a shower, not even bothering to remove her clothes she climbed into the stall and turned the water on, letting it cascade down her body washing away the evidence of the night before. Resting her head against the cool tiles Arizona thought about the previous night. Unable to contain her emotions for any longer she broke down into heart wrenching sobs that echoed throughout the shower block.

She didn't know what to do, what if she got caught? What if she went to jail for murder? What if Callie found out? Having Callie watch as she got hauled away into the back of a police car for murdering a 16 year old kid would be Arizona's worst nightmare. She couldn't tell Callie.

Peeling her wet clothes from her body Arizona then checked that the coast was clear before she climbed out of the shower and dumped them in a bin around the corner. There was no way she'd ever be able to look at those clothes ever again, let alone wear them.

Muffled voices came from the locker room and Arizona ran back to her stall. The warm water greeting her like an old friend.

"Ok I'll see you later, I need a shower before my shift starts!" A distant voice called out as footsteps grew louder and closer.

Arizona sighed deeply and tried to stifle her tears, the last thing she wanted was to be caught crying her eyes out in the shower. She held her hands under the water trying to scrub away the dried blood from under her fingernails. She could hear the other person getting undressed, tossing their clothes to one side and climbing into the shower.

A very familiar soft voice sang out from the other stall making Arizona's heart skip a beat. "Calliope?" She called out.

Suddenly the singing stopped and the water from the other stall stopped running. Arizona stood waiting for a reply, but there was nothing. She turned around slowly just in time to see a dark figure pull back the shower curtain and jump in.

"BOO!!!" Callie cried out making Arizona jump back and scream.

"WHAT THE FUCK?!!!" Arizona screamed out in anger as a very naked and very wet Callie stood there laughing.

"Whoa, calm down, it was just a joke, and did you just swear?!"

Arizona closed her eyes trying to slow her heart rate back down as she peeled herself back off the tiles. "Sorry..." She mumbled.

"It's ok, you're quite sexy when you swear..." Callie said, her voice husky and quiet. She began to move closer her hands finding ther way to Arizona's hips as she pushed them both underneath the water.

"Cal not now, I'm already late for work."

"Well then a few more minutes won't hurt." Callie replied as she began to plant light kisses along Arizona's neck and jaw.

"No, Calliope. I have to go." Arizona shoved Callie off of her, and pushed past to get out of the stall.

She went to the cupboard to get out some new scrubs as Callie followed.

"What's wrong? You never turn down shower sex. Shower sex is you're favourite kind of sex."

"I'm just tired, and I'm late and the Chief is gonna kill me." Arizona moaned as she pulled on the scrubs.

Callie looked disappointed as she turned to head back to the shower. "Oh hey!" She called out as she turned back around. "I'm sorry for not coming home last night, I had a huge surgery and then I crashed in the on call room. I hope you didn't miss me too much."

Arizona forced a laugh. "Yeah no home was boring, you didn't miss much." She lied.

Callie smiled and dissappeared behind the shower curtain, leaving Arizona feeling alone again.

Note: Thanks for all the good feedback, you guys are awesome and your love keeps me going :)

art: fanfiction, fanfic: callie/arizona

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