Somebody to Love part 3/4

Oct 24, 2010 02:52

Title: Somebody to Love (Part 3)
Author: almicah 
Pairing: Callie/Arizona
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Callie and Mark get drunk, not good
Disclaimer: All television shows, books, movies, and other copyrighted material referred to in this work and the characters, events, and settings thereof are the properties of their respective owners. As this work is an interpretation of the original material and not for profit, it constitutes fair use. Reference to real persons, places, or events are made in a fictional context and are not intended to be libelous, defamatory, or in any way factual.

A/N 1: This one is a bit shorter and again all mistakes are mine.

Arizona sat in her seat listening to the old lady talking about her husband. How much she had missed him during her stay in Seattle. Arizona was waiting for the plane to take off, she thought that as soon as they got up in the air she would try to sleep and she wouldn’t have to deal with the lady next to her. The lady was nice, but when you are hurt you don’t want to listen to happy-talk.

“So sweetie are you in love?” The old lady asked Arizona.

Arizona was contemplating was she would say, she couldn’t bring up the whole story.

“ I’m not” She answered sadly.

“I’m having trouble believing you dear. You should tell old Betty what the problem is, I have 65 years of life experience. Nothing you can say will shock me.” She smiled at Arizona and gave her a pat on the thigh.

Arizona was shocked at the old ladies approach. She was still angry at everything and it would be wrong to take it out on an old lady, but she wanted to shock her. In that case the lady would maybe leave her alone.

“I’m a lesbian and my girlfriend got drunk and kissed her best friend who is a manwhore” Arizona said as it was the most natural sentence

in the world.

Betty glared at her.

“Was that suppose to be shocking?” She laughed at Arizona “Dear I was in my 20s during the seventies. There is not really anything you can say..or do for that matter that will shock me.”

Arizona laughed at the old lady’s words; she did not see this coming. That the lady sitting next to her would be a hippie.

“So are you going to tell me what exactly happened so that I can help you? I like to fix people” Betty smiled at her. Arizona thought that this must be an older version of herself.

She didn’t want to bring up the subject, but telling a stranger sometimes helps. She looked at Betty.

“Okay” She said and Betty nodded at her. “I started working at Seattle Grace Hospital two years ago..”

[[15 minutes later]]

“…Now I’m going back to Austin to see my parents…alone.” Arizona had told Betty about their whole relationship, from hearing the talk to the bathroom kiss to the cheating. Arizona was smiling in the beginning, but started to cry at the ending.

Betty just nodded throughout the whole story waiting for Arizona to finish before saying something. She put her hand on Arizona’s and wiped away a few tears from her face.

“I am so sorry for what you have been through. I have a question for you if it’s okay?” Arizona nodded at the question. “Are you a 100% sure that you won’t regret this later in life? What she did isn’t excusable, quite the opposite, but are you sure that you won’t regret leaving her 10, 20, 30 years from now?” The woman asked Arizona.

Arizona took a deep breath.

“I don’t know” Was all she said.

“I could almost guess you would say that. Trust me honey on this though, you might want to consider it. I’ll let you get some sleep now.” Betty said before starting to read her newspaper.

Arizona tried to get some sleep, but she couldn’t. The images of Callie and Mark were replaying in her head; the look on Callie’s face when she ended it was imprinted in her mind. She was also thinking about what Betty said.


When Callie reached the airport she ran through all the security checks. She reached the gate and saw that the plane was going to leave in a few minutes.

“Hi, sorry I’m late” Callie said trying to catch her breath while giving her boarding ticket to the receptionist.

“I’m sorry miss, but the flight is leaving in a few minutes and they aren’t boarding anymore. If you go back to where you bought your ticket they’ll maybe give you a later flight.” She said apologetically.

“No see you don’t get it! I need to be on that flight, okay? Because the person I love is on that plane and if that plane leaves…then…then…I really don’t know what I’ll do” Callie said defeated, she really didn’t know what she would do if she would lose Arizona for real.

“I’m really sorry, but the plane is leaving soon.” With that the receptionist went away and Callie stood by the window looking out at the plane that Arizona was on.


Arizona’s mind was going on overdrive.

“What would you do?” Arizona asked Betty. She ran out of options, now she wanted an honest opinion. Betty put down the newspaper and smiled. She had been waiting for Arizona to ask her.

“It took you long enough" Betty laughed "What I did” When Arizona heard those words she knew that Betty had been in her situation. “Was that I forgave him. I was weighing the two options I had. Either having him in my life, or not having him in my life, I lost two years with him. I had broken up with him and it took me two years to realize that I wouldn’t find anyone else like him. That and faith, I had moved and when I came back I found him at the same lake that we used to go to. I am telling you to make up your mind today. I may have had over 35 years with my John, but I will never get back those two years I lost.”

By this time Betty was crying, happy tears. Her smile when she talked about her husband was reminding Arizona of her own smile when she would talk about Callie. Or how she used to smile when she talked about Callie.

She had two options either having Callie in her life, or not having her in her life. Arizona knew that if she decided to go back to Callie things would never be the same. Gay-scale or not, she kissed Mark which was completely inappropriate and nonetheless a slap in Arizona’s face. She knew how hard it was for Arizona to accept the friendship that Callie had with Mark and still she pulled a stunt like this.

The other choice is to not have Callie in her life. Quite frankly Arizona couldn’t picture a future without Callie. No matter how hard she tried to hate her, she couldn’t imagine her world without Callie in it.

“So what’s it going to be kiddo?” Betty asked Arizona that was looking straight ahead.

“I need to get off this plane” Arizona said getting up from her seat and taking out the hand luggage from above her seat. Betty just sat in her seat laughing, she had fixed her.

A flight attendant approached Arizona.

“Miss, I need to ask you to sit down.” She said gesturing to Arizona’s seat.

“No! See I need to get of this plane okay? I need to speak to someone so please let me get off the plane” Arizona gave her a dimpled smile, together with a pair of blue puppy eyes, almost flirting her way out of it. It wasn’t working though, maybe because Arizona deep down felt like a train wreck and almost looked like one considering she didn’t sleep the night before.

“I’m sorry, but these are the rules and we need to follow them” The flight attendant said firmly. Now Arizona was getting mad.

“So what do I need to do? Should I say I have the b-word or should I fake a heart attack? Because I know how to do that, I’m a doctor.” She said wondering if the bitchy attitude was working.

“Doctor you don’t want to say the…um b-word and you just told me about your plan to fake a heart attack so the plan wouldn’t work” She said almost mocking Arizona.


Callie had a plan, the plan was to take the next flight to Austin and somehow convince Arizona to take her back, without getting her ass kicked by the colonel or his wife. She went to the toilets at the airport and looked herself in the mirror wondering again how she got here.
George had cheated on Callie and she knew how she felt after that. Hell she felt bad just by looking at her husband together with Izzie. Then came Erica and she made Callie feel a lot of things she never felt before. Callie had then gone to Mark Sloan for advice and she really didn’t feel like it was cheating. It was Mark, but still. However she never loved George like she loves Arizona, Erica she never loved since it ended before it even begun. Arizona on the other hand, she was perfect and she made Callie feel like she was perfect.

When Callie came out from the toilets she went back to see if the plane had left, she saw an ambulance drive away through the window. She was in the toilets thinking for maybe 20 minutes which means she could have gotten on the plane before.

There was time, now however the plane was leaving. She watched it slowly move. The airplane was too far away for her to really be able to see something, but still she wanted to see if she could see Arizona through the windows. However when she came nearer the window she saw blonde curls to her right across the lounge. Callie knew immediately that it was Arizona. Her Arizona.

She stopped for a second thinking about what she should say. If Arizona stayed it must mean that she wants to hear Callie out.
The only thing Callie can do is speak from the heart.

A/N 2: The final part will probably be up tomorrow. I really feel like it’s going to be an important chapter so I need to make it as perfect as my writing skills allow me too.

art: fanfiction, fanfic: callie/arizona

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