The stony path of life

Oct 20, 2010 22:50

Title:   The stony path of life
Author:   McAwesome1993
Pairing:   Callie/Arizona
Rating:   PG-13
Summary:   Post 6x19; Arizona struggels with herself and Callie's decision.
Disclaimer:   I own NOTHING! Everything and everyone in this fanfic belongs to Shonda Rhimes and ABC.

A/N1:   The song I used this time is called ,,Was I crazy?''. It's from the great singer Rebecca Lavelle.

A/N2:   I know this one's very short and still depressing and everything, but I promise it'll get better. The next chapter will be a big tunaround


So, the fourth chapter is up now. You can find it here:

fanfic: callie/arizona

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