Secret Santa Fic for Emdha

Dec 31, 2014 14:11

Title: One More
Author: kayesoob
Beta:  None (Sorry for eventual mistakes and inconsistencies.)
Pairing: Callie/Arizona, Cristina
Rating: PG-13 (I'm not good at writing NR-AO)
Disclaimer: No characters of Grey’s Anatomy or elements of their storylines are mine, except for the ones made up in this story.
Secret Santa Prompt: AU holiday cheer without ANY drama from the show! With a cameo from Cristina Yang and the words "Taylor Swift" and "pregnant ferret". N17 would be great but totally fine if it's not your thing.

One More

"Did you get the tree?" Callie asked.

Arizona beamed.

"I got the tree and Sofia's presents and yours," she spoke.

"You did?" Callie asked, resting her hands on her hips. She stretched to see if she could get her body loose.

"I did. Sofia visited Santa today and we had a great day at the mall. Taylor Swift played over the radio. See her with Santa?" Arizona spoke, holding her phone where Callie could see Sofia sitting on Santa's lap.

"Oh that's cute. She looks so grown up for four," Callie spoke.

"She is. She's grown up for four. I put a plate in the oven for supper," Arizona spoke. "Do you have to work tomorrow?" She asked.

"No I'm off till the 27th," Callie replied, setting her bag down on the table. She stretched again.

"So there's a plate in the oven for me?"

"There is. And after you're done that, I have one more thing to do for you," Arizona spoke. She kissed Callie and grinned, leaving Callie unable to speak.

"Plate then thing," Callie mumbled.

"Exactly. Go get your supper," Arizona answered.

Callie pulled a warm plate from the oven which was full of casserole. It smelled heavenly. She set the warm plate on the island and slipped onto a stool.

"Sofia?" She asked, between bites.

"Asleep," Arizona spoke, leaning on the counter. "She was exhausted from the mall today, and from meeting Santa. And from decorating the tree," Arizona spoke.

"Ah makes sense," Callie replied.

"How about some wine?" Arizona asked, gently waving a full bottle.

"Excellent," Callie nodded, between bites of food. She watched as Arizona poured two glasses of wine. After emptying her plate she pushed it away slightly.
"So you and Sofia decorated, you got a tree, Sofia met Santa. Is there anything left for me to do?"

"I can think of two things that still need tackling today," Arizona beamed. She shoved the dirty dishes in the dish washer, then carried both goblets into the living room. Callie followed hot on her heels.

"Tell me one of the things," Callie moped.

"Sofia and I saved the most important thing for you," Arizona spoke. She handed over the full goblet of wine and flopped down on the couch next to Callie.

"You did?" Callie asked, raising an eyebrow.

"We did. And Sofia's asleep," Arizona nodded.

"Oh before I get involved, how's Sofia's pregnant ferret?" Callie asked, sipping her wine.

"Oh, still pregnant. No babies today," Arizona rolled her eyes.

"Too bad. I thought today they were coming," Callie spoke.

"Nope, no baby ferrets today," Arizona laughed. She kissed Callie.

"Mmm," Callie mumbled, pulling away from Arizona's tempting lips.

"Not yet," Arizona giggled. She pulled away from Callie's lips.

"I've got two easy things for you to do."

"Ok. Wine is set aside. What's the first thing I have to do?" Callie sighed. She looked at Arizona who was giggling.

"The first thing," Arizona stood. "The first thing is to put the star on top of the tree." She handed Callie the star to put on the very top of the tree.

"You want me to put the star up?" Callie asked, standing up. She snatched the star from Arizona and kissed her cheek.

"Sofia and I talked. We thought the best person to put the star on was a tall person or a person on a ladder. So that's you," Arizona spoke. "So put the star up and then our tree is ready for Christmas."

Callie hauled the step ladder out of the closet and set it up next to the almost fully decorated Christmas tree. Arizona watched in interest as Callie climbed the step ladder. When she was at the top Arizona handed over the star. Callie quickly added it to the very top of the tree. She leaned back and smiled.
"Looks good."

"It does," Arizona agreed."Now climb down and you can do your second thing," Arizona tempted.

"Right. Right," Callie mumbled. She tucked the stepladder back in the closet. Flopping down next to Arizona, she mumbled again, "What's the second thing?"

Arizona sat back down next to her.

"Drink your wine. We've got two whole days to celebrate Christmas," she replied seductively.

"Really?" Callie replied.

"Kiss me," Arizona whimpered. Callie set her wine goblet down and kissed Arizona.

"Take me to bed."

Callie and Arizona headed to bed, missing portions of their clothing.

In the morning they were awoken by the shrieks and screams of a four year old girl.
"Mama Mommy, Santa's asleep on the couch," she giggled, climbing into their bed.

Both women were confused. What was Santa doing on their couch?

"Calliope go check," Arizona mumbled. She hugged Sofia tightly and flipped over the covers to cover them.

Callie shook her head and climbed out of bed. Her bare feet hit the floor first. She walked into the bedroom doorway. She grabbed the poker from the fireplace and held it like a baseball bat.

Walking into the living room, she raised it and walked towards the couch. She saw a person in a Santa costume, asleep on their couch.

"Show yourself!" She exclaimed.

The person wearing the Santa costume fell off the couch in an attempt to stand up.

"Sorry. The back door was open. I had to come. It's my God daughter's fourth Christmas," she explained.

"Cristina?" Callie asked, dropping the fireplace poker.

"Hey," Cristina nodded, taking off the hat. She unbuttoned the costume and tugged off the coat.

"My god, you came," Callie spoke. She dropped the poker and hugged her tightly.

"How's Genova? And your work? And you came."

"Hey to you too," Cristina smiled.

Arizona carried Sofia into the living room and nearly dropped the child from shock.

"Good to see you Yang," Arizona spoke, hugging her quickly.

"Aunt Cristina?" Sofia spoke, perched on Arizona's hip. "Down please."

She ran over and hugged Cristina around the knees.

"Hi," she giggled.

"Hey kid," Cristina smiled. "How you doing?"

"Do you know Santa?" Sofia asked, referring to the costume. She stroked the coat and grinned.

"I do. Santa and I are old friends. He loaned me an extra coat. And I told him that I was coming to Seattle to see you, he insisted I drop your gifts off too," Cristina spoke.

Arizona looked at Callie and raised her eyebrow.

"I think we're going to need more breakfast," Callie laughed.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year's.

art: fanfiction, comm: event, fanfic: callie/arizona

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