Trying To Be A Hero 1

May 23, 2011 19:10

Title: Trying To Be A Hero
Author: Aloneinthisbed
Rating: PG
Summary: She was just trying to help. She just wanted to save a life. However sometimes even good actions have consequences.

A/N: I'M BACK!!! After being away for soooooo long, I'm finally back to writing, and as usual this fic will be full of drama. :)


Callie sighed as she opened the door to Sophia's room, clothes and toys lay scattered everywhere, her bed wasn't made and her curtains were still closed from this morning.

"I swear to God this kid is as bad as Cristina." She mumbled as she scooped up a pile of dirty clothes and threw them in the hamper. She had been quite thankful when Cristina moved out, she'd hoped her days of cleaning up after someone else were over, but now she was a Mom it seemed that wasn't the case.

As she flung open the curtains and bathed the room in the warm daylight sun, she heard the phone ringing in the kitchen. Sprinting across the room she failed to notice the pile of lego bricks laying discarded on the floor until her bare foot squashed down on one making her yelp and cry out in pain, cursing her daughter.

"Hello?" She growled into the reciever, as she hopped on one foot and rubbed the injured one with her free hand.

"Whoa, what's wrong with you?"

"Oh hi Mark, nothing I was just wading through the mess our daughter calls her bedroom."

She could hear Mark trying to stifle his giggles on the other end. "You stepped on a lego brick again didn't you?"

"I don't get it! I wished she'd play with softer toys."

"Hmm, hey listen speaking of our little angel, I'm gonna be late tonight, I have an emergency surgery, I don't know how long it'll take, but I will let you know, ok?"

Callie sighed again, "Ok, see you later."

As she hung up the phone, the front door swung open and Sophia ran in, followed by Arizona carrying her backpack.

"Mom!" She cried out as Callie lifted her up and kissed her on the cheek.

"Sophia! Did you have a good day at school sweetie?" She nodded at Callie's words and wriggled until she put her down again. "Do you have any homework?"

Sophia nodded again, "Yeah, but I'm gonna do it at Dad's later."

Callie folded her arms across her chest and raised her eyebrows. "Oh are you? Well in that case you can tidy your room til your Dad gets here."

She copied her Mom's stance, a defiant look pasted on her face.

"Sophia." Callie said more sternly.

Turning around to face Arizona, Sophia's body language shifted from stubborn little trouble maker to innocent little angel. She was smart and knew each of their weaknesses. Callie was stubborn and the only way to wear her down was to match her stubborness. Arizona on the other hand was a sucker for the cute angel face and puppy dog eyes. Usually this tactic worked, but today wasn't her most impressive performance.

"Don't look at me like that, march into that room and tidy missy!" Arizona said matching Callie's tone of voice and pointing to Sophia's room.

The young girl groaned and dragged herself to her room defeated, slamming her door

in the process.

Arizona looked across the room at Callie and burst out laughing. "She's sure as hell got your attitude." She giggled, plonking herself down on a stool.

"It's not funny," Callie replied. "She has to learn to keep her room tidy."

Arizona cocked her head to the side, "You stepped on a lego brick again didn't you?" She grinned.

Callie rolled her eyes. "Why is it that I'm the only one who does that?!"

"Because you don't look where you're walking?"

Callie picked up a nearby towel and flung it at Arizona, causing the Blonde to wobble and nearly fall off her stool.

"Hey! I was kidding." She said, adjusting herself on the stool. "So when's Mark getting here anyways? As much as I love Sophia I can't wait to spend some alone time with you..."

Callie looked up at Arizona and smiled, the Blonde's eyes were full of lust and want. One of the perks of having three parents was that Mark could watch Sophia, whilst Callie and Arizona spent some time to themselves.

"Well baby, you're gonna have to wait, Mark's in surgery." Callie said as she softly kissed Arizona's head.

As she turned to walk away, Arizona grabbed her hand and pulled her back for another kiss, this time on the lips. Callie moaned and further deepened the kiss, pushing her body into Arizona's.

"Sweetie, as much as I want you right now, we can't. Our daughter's in the other room."

Callie sighed and pulled away, restraining herself. Damn Mark, why couldn't he have been here on time? Then she wouldn't be all worked up and bursting with sexual energy.

The front door swung open again, causing them both to turn around.

"What?" Mark said staring back at them.

Callie shook her head and turned towards Sophia's room. "Sophia!" She called. "Dad's here!"

"Thought you were in sugery?" Arizona quizzed him.

"Yeah it was cut short, patient didn't make it." Mark smiled as Sophia ran into the room and gave him a hug. "Hey kiddo! Look how big you're getting, what are you 5 now? 6?"

"Dad, I'm 7." Sophia rolled her eyes, exactly like Callie does. It amazed him how like her Mother she was, they both had long dark hair, dark brown eyes and pretty much the same personality and stubborness.

"Yeah I knew that. You ready to go?"

Sophia nodded before racing off to her room again to grab her bag.

"I'll be there to pick her up from school tomorrow." Arizona said, as she watched Sophia race around looking for her coat and shoes.

"And make sure she does her homework." Callie added, making Sophia groan and roll her eyes again.

Mark laughed and nodded. "Anything else?"

"Nope, have fun you two."

Sophia gave them both a hug and a kiss goodbye, before toddling off out of the apartment, followed by Mark.

"Now where were we?" Callie said, turning her attention back to Arizona, and planting a kiss firmly on her lips.

art: fanfiction, fanfic: callie/arizona

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