The LJennaisance -- kind of like The McConnaisance, although probably less handsome and wacky.

Apr 12, 2015 07:32

I'm trying to institute The LJennaisance on my LJ and I'm going to try my best to post on a weekly basis at least. I've been missing LJ tremendously in the past year (maybe even longer than that) and I really wish to find out what's going on with old LJ friends and reconnect. I don't know if that's possible, but I guess I have to do my part and ( Read more... )

whine, quotidian, admin

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Comments 6

anonymous April 12 2015, 12:57:46 UTC
callherblondie April 12 2015, 13:28:50 UTC
I'll just stalk you on tumblr! It's ok if it's just focused on reblogging, at least I can see what you think is worthy of a reblog :)

If you want to give me your twitter handles, that would be great. You can send it to me in an LJ private message if that's better for you.


anonymous April 20 2015, 06:46:55 UTC
callherblondie April 20 2015, 16:21:07 UTC
Cool thanks! It will now be easier for me to Twitter-stalk you. ;)

Come to think of it, I probably could've found your 'real life' twitter account because I remember your real name from some emails you sent me a few years ago. :)


anonymous April 12 2015, 23:42:56 UTC
callherblondie April 13 2015, 04:39:27 UTC
Yeah, you're right! It *is* a clamor on other platforms -- I find the other ones stressful and overwhelming. LJ is like that one friend that you have who is almost always soothing, sensible, and the go-to person for good honest advice.

Yay for posting more, keep up the good work!*high five*


anonymous April 13 2015, 03:38:13 UTC
callherblondie April 13 2015, 04:46:49 UTC
I can understand why tumblr is so popular -- it really is so shiny! So many pretty pics and gifs and fun jokes! But it just doesn't feel very meaningful or connected to me. I created a tumblr about a year ago and never used it because it just didn't feel like *me*. I felt like I was giving in to a trend or a fad, not something I was really connected to. And now I've forgotten my password anyway.

I do like reading other people's tumblrs, especially friends, because nowadays it seems like the best way for me to keep up with what they are interested in and fannish about. Thanks for sharing yours, I'm definitely going to check it out (I'm always into a good feminist post or some of your photos) :)


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callherblondie April 14 2015, 17:07:22 UTC
I'm so gonna stalk you on tumblr lol. ;)

Yeah, I can imagine that it'd be pretty easy to accidentally get spoiled on tumblr. Does it have functions like a cut-tag or white-out?


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callherblondie April 15 2015, 04:35:45 UTC
That would really suck if I was trying to avoid spoilers, had tumblr savior enabled, and still got mega spoiled. It's a first world problem, but still a pretty annoying one. ;)


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