time on my hands could be time spent with you.

Apr 07, 2010 01:55

Awesome. Couldn't happen to a more deserving and fantastic show. Last week's episode was amazing, Batiatus and Ashur -- especially Ashur -- are ingeniously wicked. With SHINee's Hello Baby having wrapped last night, this show is the only appointment tv I have anymore.*sob* Sucks because this show is wrapping its first season in two weeks so then I' ( Read more... )

music, tv, download free shit

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Comments 9

voleuse April 7 2010, 15:03:19 UTC
Thanks for the music!


callherblondie April 7 2010, 22:32:58 UTC
You're welcome! Enjoy it! :D


vehement April 7 2010, 15:16:24 UTC
I love your layout! It's so freaking cute. :D
I plan on working on Spartacus once I'm done with my research paper this weekend. You and my friend have me so pumped for it!

Thanks for the music! <3


callherblondie April 7 2010, 22:39:24 UTC
Oh, thank you! &hearts I hope I can stick with this one longer because I spent quite a bit of time working with the html in the base stylesheet and tweaking it, argh.

Yay! I hope you like the show. Fair warning: the first episode is kind of crummy and even the producers and writers admit that it's the weakest ep, but the show really takes off once you're three or so eps into it. Just be patient with it and FF what you have to in the first three eps (especially the first one) to get through it because by the fifth, I think you'll be entranced. :)

You're welcome and I hope you enjoy the songs! <33


fraash April 7 2010, 22:53:57 UTC
im going through a layout crisis too,


callherblondie April 7 2010, 23:08:20 UTC
YOU ARE LIKE ME.*clings* I cannot seem to commit to a layout ever. I think the longest I ever stuck with a layout was maybe 2-3 months max.


mnemo_syne April 13 2010, 23:53:27 UTC
Love the George Nozuka song, thank you.

Ha ha, Poirot and Miss Marple. How cute. :)


callherblondie April 14 2010, 17:32:21 UTC
Glad you like the song! And haha, I have been into Agatha Christie's stuff since forever. :}

Can you please email me your flight info? I'm trying to book my sister's flights and would like them to coincide as much as possible to save on multiple trips to the airport...if possible. Thanks! :)


mnemo_syne April 15 2010, 13:05:07 UTC
I emailed you.

However, I am not 100% sure I will be able to go. Unfortunately, I am still really ill. I am sort of hoping that next week will be miraculous... So don't concern yourself overmuch with trying to get coinciding flights. Please let me know if this uncertainty creates a hardship for you and/or if you need to know something definite by a specific date.


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