Sark fanfiction recommendation

Jan 02, 2006 21:21

Took a quick break from writing and stumbled across something truly fantastic. I've recommended the_grynne's Alias fanfiction before and for good reason. This woman is a terrific writer. I don't usually read fanfic, I prefer to write it, but I love reading hers because her work is on par if not better than a lot of the best and brightest original fiction ( Read more... )

alias, recs

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Comments 5

the_grynne January 3 2006, 03:26:44 UTC
:) Thank you for the rec, and here's another in return, because I don't read much Alias fanfic nowadays either, and I thought it was wonderful: poisontaster wrote for me Salt Water Secrets.

I think I read some of your Sarkney back in 2004, when I started in the fandom. I've friended you and look forward to discovering your writing again.


callherblondie January 3 2006, 04:39:48 UTC
I'll definitely check out poisontaster's story. I haven't read any Nadia or Nadia/Sark fanfiction, mostly because I didn't really watch most of the episodes Nadia was in, but I'm always up for an excellent story regardless. :)

Welcome to my LJ and I friended you back. I've been meaning to for a while now, but school and finals kept me from spending as much time on LJ as I'd like.


the_grynne January 3 2006, 05:21:45 UTC
By the way, obviously I'm still 16 in my head because I still giggle uncontrollably when someone calls me "woman". *eg*


enname January 3 2006, 07:01:57 UTC
She (as in of course she posted just above me so I feel silly being formal with usernames) was already on my to read list, limited as it is.



alittlebriton January 3 2006, 20:00:29 UTC
It was my best present this year!


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