Re: oh god, they've forgotten about nakushita kioku. [/endbadjoke] no but srsly.calledinvainSeptember 29 2009, 03:35:16 UTC
you're supposed to like Will more in the book, he was the sympathetic, ideal best friend turned lover. I just wonder if Tegoshi's got the chops to act that way. And how much Will/Naomi there actually will be. Or in this case, Mirai/Naomi.
Stardust has been a comedy of errors regarding curtailing Erika's behavior - in some ways they are responsible for the creation of the erika-sama personality because they certainly didn't stop it when she was younger.
I was so excited for September because I was FOOOOLED. I was really expecting the movie to be out already.
And I actually noticed a fondness for Meisa from SMAP when she came on Bistro, but then again they also fawned over Oguri Shun. As well as Meisa and Shun together. X) But yeah.
Please don't tell me it will become HSJ or that other fetus band to Nanami.
Comments 4
And no matter how pretty and badass Meisa is, Erika is a better actress by acres. =X
aslkdnldfkgnfkldn I want a TRAILER at least. lots of MatsuKen/Maki-ness. and m/b a Tegoshi/Maki kiss.. ? WHAT, I liked Will more in the books.
Stardust has been a comedy of errors regarding curtailing Erika's behavior - in some ways they are responsible for the creation of the erika-sama personality because they certainly didn't stop it when she was younger.
And I actually noticed a fondness for Meisa from SMAP when she came on Bistro, but then again they also fawned over Oguri Shun. As well as Meisa and Shun together. X) But yeah.
Please don't tell me it will become HSJ or that other fetus band to Nanami.
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