Fic: Ghosts 5/?

Sep 08, 2009 18:35

Title: Ghosts

Chapter Title: Crescendo

Pairing: Vince/Howard
Summary: Howard is worried about Vince’s strange behaviour.  While Naboo and Bollo appear to turn a blind eye, Howard is determined to find out just what has made Vince lose his spark…

Word Count: ~1280
Genre: angst, hurt/comfort, fluff, humor,

Rating: PG-13

Warnings: swears, implied mental and ( Read more... )

ghosts, knightaimee, howince, fanfiction

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Comments 11

xthursdaynextx September 8 2009, 20:46:03 UTC
Ohh this fic is sad... what's wrong with him? I can feel Howard's frustration and irritation with Vince.


calistomyth September 8 2009, 21:12:45 UTC
I would say... another five chapters before an initial diagnosis- how does that sound?
Thank you for commenting! :D


devourlove September 8 2009, 21:27:24 UTC
Hm...intriguing :3 all this beating-around-the-boosh is killing me though.

ugh, i suppose i'll have to dig up some patience for this story, though, seeing as i'm about as hooked as you can get at this point <3


calistomyth September 9 2009, 19:56:12 UTC
'beating-around-the-boosh ' Lol :)

Please be patient! I shall do my best to post the next chapter tomorrow for you- there is more drama ahead, my lovely.


(The comment has been removed)

calistomyth September 9 2009, 19:56:44 UTC
Sorry :(


weekendgothgirl September 8 2009, 21:46:45 UTC
Awww poor things!
I can see the point of Hoaward and his OCD though lol.

Hope we find out soon and they get better again, the tensions killing me!



calistomyth September 9 2009, 19:58:46 UTC
I've had an OCD!Howard one-shot on the go for a while so it felt like the perfect time for self-referencing :p

Prepare for more tension 'cos it's about to get heavy... xx


weekendgothgirl September 9 2009, 20:48:34 UTC
Haha awesome!

Oo-er! Im getting ready!



knightaimee September 9 2009, 09:37:54 UTC
The tension is even killing ME lol

Once again, I still adore all the humour hidden within the sadness and fustration. Still unbelieveably Boosh-like in all its differences. Genius... :)

much (long-distance) lovexxxx


calistomyth September 9 2009, 20:00:50 UTC
:p And you've already read the start of chapter 9...

Thank you!

I still want to know why you're not on msn tonight, missy. We haven't spoken for ages :( xxxx


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