Drabble a day

Apr 30, 2012 15:17

For another challenge @ writerverse, they will be giving us a prompt a day. So I'll post them here :) Enjoy

Title: This means war
Word Count: 100
BONUS: (if you post within 24 hours let me know)
Rating: pg-13 (use of the f-bomb)
Original/Fandom: Twilight
Pairings (if any): Emmett Cullen
Warnings (Non-Con/Dub-Con/etc): All human/AU
Summary: Some traditions Emmett looks more forward too than most

Emmett giggled gleefully from besides Jasper earning a smack to the back of his head. He scowled as he rubbed the now sore spot.

“What the fuck dude?” he asked in a hiss. Jasper glared and pressed a finger over his own lips, an indication for his burly friend to keep quiet. Emmett rolled his eyes at his friend and focused his attention back to the girls cabins.

This was a summer tradition that Emmett had looked forward to since childhood and even now as an adult. This year the prank on the girls was what legends were made of.

Word Count: 106
BONUS: yes!
Pairings (if any):Jasper/Alice
Warnings (Non-Con/Dub-Con/etc): AH/AU
Summary:Sometimes she forgets to breathe...

“Alright, so this is what we’re going to do. First, we need to drop the thank you cards off to the post office, then we needs to return the wine cooler to Bed Bath and Beyond for store credit. From there I was thinking we could look into the new bedding or even something for the back patio. Speaking of back patio, we should probably head to Osh and get the potting soil and… what?”

Jasper smiled wryly at his new bride and shook his head. “Nothing. Just don’t forget to breathe.”

Alice huffed and rolled her eyes. “I’m just telling you the plan for today!”

writerverse, character: jasper, character: emmett, *drabbles, character: alice, *fanfiction, fandom: twilight

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