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Comments 11

tcastleb December 7 2008, 17:49:29 UTC
Ah, yes, I did like it. And some day you should check out her others, STAY and THE BLUE PLACE. Not SF, but a very cool kick-butt heroine that isn't over the top like a lot of urban fantasy chicks.


calico_reaction December 7 2008, 17:53:17 UTC
I've got AMMONITE that I may read next year. I thought her others though were more crime novels that SF or urban fantasy?


tcastleb December 7 2008, 18:03:15 UTC
Mmm. Suspense, maybe, but the action is secondary to the character and her development. They're not SF/F, but they're worth reading for a way to do good urban kick-butt heroines.


calico_reaction December 7 2008, 19:15:57 UTC
Cool. Thanks for the rec. :)


shanra December 7 2008, 21:54:06 UTC
Darn you for making me curious about yet another book... ^-~ You're incredibly good at that. *adds it to her list of books to look into*


tjalorak December 8 2008, 03:34:52 UTC
I loved Slow River when I read it. Just very interesting structure. I was waiting to see how it all tied together and luckily, it did in a very nice way. Glad to see you enjoyed it as well.


undyingking December 8 2008, 09:38:09 UTC
Gosh, I didn't know she'd written any SF other than Ammonite. Might try and check this one out, you make it sound very interesting.


ide_cyan December 17 2008, 06:03:24 UTC
She has also written SFnal short stories, some of which you can read online on her website: http://www.nicolagriffith.com/fiction.html


undyingking December 17 2008, 08:08:38 UTC
Ah, cool, thanks, I'll take a look.


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