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Comments 30

jsridler November 8 2008, 23:52:01 UTC
I read this a long time ago, and it was the weakest of the three books, if I recall. But as you noted, this first trilogy, which I did enjoy, pales compared to his other work. I really dug Tigana.



calico_reaction November 8 2008, 23:58:19 UTC
I'm hoping the story gets better as the trilogy goes along, and really, I can't see how it couldn't, you know? With each book, he's getting better as a writer, and I've read the most recent (which was beautiful), so I know what he's capable of. So I'll read the other two, but I'll probably take a break before reading TIGANA, which I have, but am putting off because it's a beast. :)


jsridler November 9 2008, 00:09:17 UTC
Good battle plan. It is always nice to see modern pros before they were so mighty. If you get the chance, read Harlan Ellison's "Glowworm", his first major sale. Shakespeare, it ain't.



amergina November 9 2008, 00:08:04 UTC
Yeah, I had a feeling that you'd be disappointed when compared to Ysabel. I LOVED the trilogy when I read it in high school. Now... it feels a bit dated.

I think fantasy has grown up a lot in 20 years. It seems like the "good" fantasy novels I read now are leaps and bounds better than the "good" fantasy novels I read back then.


calico_reaction November 13 2008, 01:02:59 UTC
That makes sense. When I read stuff that's been published a while ago, I try and put it in context. I think it probably DID stand out to a certain degree back when it was released (and I'm getting the impression that the younger you were, the more you enjoyed it), but nowadays, yeah...


cywrain November 9 2008, 00:13:39 UTC
I'm so happy to hear the thoughts of someone else who wasn't thrilled with this trilogy. A good friend of mine lent the whole thing to me six months ago after swearing it was a fantastic read, and it has since been languishing on my bookshelf.

I might have to look into Ysabel, though.


calico_reaction November 13 2008, 01:03:11 UTC
YSABEL is just lovely.


melsky November 9 2008, 00:15:00 UTC
I tried reading this trilogy and gave up partway through the second. I just couldn't relate to the characters, like you say their suspension of disbelief didn't fly. Personally, if I was transplanted to a fantasy world with a struggle between good and evil going on you can bet there would be some major freaking out.


dawtheminstrel November 9 2008, 00:17:06 UTC
I tried to read this book a couple of years ago and gave up without finishing. It put me off Kay until I tried Ysabel.


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