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Comments 3

sorcha_ruel August 26 2008, 03:22:56 UTC
I am one of those die hard Gaiman fans but I still haven't read all of his stuff. I will have to put this on my to-read list, especially since I've gotten back into graphic novels thanks to The Watchman preview we were discussing.

I just read V for Vendetta myself so I will be curious to see what ya thought. I may have to re-read it because I found some of the details to be pretty confusing.


juushika August 26 2008, 06:33:17 UTC
Exactly! I appreciate and admire Gaiman, and I love Neverwhere and what I've read of Sandman, but I don't understand the diehard, praise-be reaction—because he is skilled, but not perfect. My very first exposure to him was, unhappily, Smoke and Mirrors, and I had much the same reaction: they were interesting concepts all, but the execution was lacking something. I'm glad I've moved on to his novels, and I look forward to his future work, but I've never been head of heels for him. He's good, but not a god among men.

That said, I want to read Mr. Punch and I should definitely add it to my TBR list. I wonder if the library has it...


vierran45 August 26 2008, 19:45:48 UTC
I completely agree on Smoke and Mirrors, the stories in that collection just didn't agree with me most of the time. Still, some of them worked much better when I heard Gaiman read them aloud at a con some years back. He's an ecellent reader which helps a lot.

I still think Sandman has been his best work thus far, because I have thought his short stories and novels mostly okay, but not the best thing eva like some people would like to say they are.


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