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Comments 6

muse_books December 4 2012, 09:19:42 UTC
I thought there was someone else aside from temporaryworlds reading Fables this year on my friends page. :)

I've been lucky that someone in our library service decided to buy this series though some are the deluxe editions and others single trade paperbacks. most of them are sited at one library but easy enough to get them sent to my branch one at a time.


calico_reaction December 4 2012, 12:37:03 UTC
If that's the case, I recommend picking one format over the other, because you'll be in danger of re-reading stories otherwise. :)


muse_books December 4 2012, 12:58:37 UTC
I can't really. I have to go with what the library has and they haven't been consistent in their buying between one and the other. For example the 2012 Deluxe editions are not in stock.

Obviously in cases of duplicate stories I'll just skip them. :) Unfortunately I can't afford to buy them.


calico_reaction December 4 2012, 17:30:58 UTC
Oy. That's a hard way to get through the series, but I understand. Have fun! :)


temporaryworlds December 5 2012, 14:25:29 UTC
Hmmm... I think I'll end up waiting and getting this one from my library instead of buying it. From your review, I can tell it's not as strong as the other prequel, 1001 Nights of Snowfall.


calico_reaction December 6 2012, 02:57:44 UTC
Definitely go through the library first. That way, you can decide later if it's something you want to collect for your own personal library. This one, btw, is not a prequel, but don't worry: you've read what's necessary to appreciate this. :)


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