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Comments 24

unfettrdphoenix August 19 2012, 05:05:27 UTC
I hadn't heard much of anything about Alcatraz & Awake. Knowing they've been canceled, are they or is one worth watching anyway? I'm intrigued by them both.

Not having cable, I watch all of my TV shows online, meaning I don't get to see the ads or promotions for upcoming shows. Since we seem to have similar likes in TV & books (LOVE GoT!!!), what shows are you looking forward to this fall?

To give you an idea of what I like or liked when it aired: Game of Thrones, Firefly, Battlestar Galactica, Walking Dead, Lost, Vampire Diaries, True Blood, Castle (For Nathan Fillion. :D ). I'm enjoying Grimm & Once Upon a Time, too. :D


calico_reaction August 19 2012, 18:10:04 UTC
You can see my thoughts on Alcatraz here, but from what I heard from the people who watched it all the way though, it ended on a whimper. I wouldn't recommend bothering with it.

Awake, on the other hand, is utterly fantastic and definitely worth checking out despite its cancellation. I'd highly, highly, HIGHLY recommend it. :)

I'll be doing a fall preview of sorts in September, so definitely keep your eyes peeled for that. At this point, I don't think I'll be adding any new shows to my queue, at least, not until I start seeing more feedback first.


unfettrdphoenix August 20 2012, 21:08:11 UTC
Well, then! I'll definitely check out Awake! Thanks!!

I'll keep my eye out for your fall preview. :D Thanks, again!


calico_reaction August 21 2012, 01:54:06 UTC
If you get around to Awake, please share your thoughts!


queenrikki_hp August 19 2012, 05:11:15 UTC
I enjoyed reading your thoughts on the show. OUaT is a show that is very much appointment viewing for me (and by appointment, I mean the next day on Hulu). I like that the people making the show understand what their show is (for the most part). It's fun and creative enough that even in the less interesting episodes there's usually something to like.

I have this weird thing about the casting of television families so it pleases me that Emma and Snow actually look like they could be related .


calico_reaction August 19 2012, 18:11:12 UTC
I have this weird thing about the casting of television families so it pleases me that Emma and Snow actually look like they could be related .

I am so the same way. I don't watch Supernatural, and the following isn't the reason I don't watch or anything, but it drives me bonkers that the actors who play brothers on that show look absolutely nothing alike.

So yes, I love that Emma and Snow White actually look like they're related. :)


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calico_reaction August 19 2012, 18:14:41 UTC
I watched a couple of episodes and Charming was like "I can't leave Storywhatever its like something is holding me here" and it was just replaceable with Jack Shepard and Island and I checked out of the show.

I have no memory of what you're talking about. Unless it was during the time he'd just woken from the coma or something... ? I really don't know. But I never got a Jack Shepherd vibe from Prince Charming, not once during the whole season. Not saying you should watch it, because if the CGI was too rough for you, while it did improve, it still had its moments during the season.

Still, if you decide to start watching again, it's enjoyable. The show doesn't take itself nearly as seriously as Lost did (there are nods to that show in Once, but the writers seem to know their audience and understand payoffs really well).

I'd highly recommend Fables. It's a lot of fun. The review of the first hardcover is here.

I didn't notice that about Regina. Of course, I've not re-watched Lost yet, but it will be fun to do so just for actor ( ... )


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calico_reaction August 19 2012, 21:17:43 UTC
Yeah, it's all part of the curse that they can't leave, but Charming (David) didn't want to leave because he was falling in love with Snow. :)

But yeah, if you're not sure if you like fairy tales, you're probably going to have issues with modernizations or twists to them.


ardys_the_ghoul August 19 2012, 08:24:55 UTC
I hope you do get around to seeing Grimm, it's definitely worth a look (as I've said about a bajillion times, sorry about that).


calico_reaction August 19 2012, 18:19:18 UTC
You're not the only one trying to get me to watch it. :)


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calico_reaction August 19 2012, 18:21:34 UTC
As I mentioned to someone else above, while there are some writers from Lost spearheading this show, I think they're aware that this is a different audience, and so far, they seem to know how to target it and keep it engaged. It's definitely a family show without being condescending or chock-full of moral lessons. Lost's storytelling would not fit here. :)


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