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Comments 7

jennielf June 21 2012, 11:38:41 UTC
I hate to nitpick, but you do know that all the vignettes were released on her LJ as teasers for last years release of Deadline. They were posted there without assumption that orbit would want to release them as a "novella". Certainly, she announced that orbit picked them up as a novella well after she started posting them...

They worked really well as daily background stories into the universe.


calico_reaction June 21 2012, 22:48:21 UTC
Thanks for the background! I vaguely remember her releasing those teasers, now that you mention it. I never read them at the time because of spoilers (why I was afraid of them, I didn't know), but it's good to know the origin. Kudos to Orbit for collecting them for publication!

That said, as a fan I enjoyed this well enough, but as a Hugo-voter, not so much...


stfg June 21 2012, 14:43:32 UTC
Yeah, I enjoyed reading it, but not as much as the main trilogy.

Just as a matter of personal preference, I am not a fan of stories where everything is going fine, but I know something really bad is about to happen. The tension of waiting for the axe to fall gets to me. It took me four or five days to read this because I kept having to put it down.

I still think it's a good story though. I also did enjoy the references to the novel that you pointed out in your review.


calico_reaction June 21 2012, 22:49:05 UTC
Yeah, as I said above, as a fan, I enjoy these as little vignettes that give me more of the world. As a critical Hugo voter? Not as impressed, sadly.


stfg June 21 2012, 16:14:03 UTC
Do you know how to group books together into a collection on your kindle? I have things sorted by the type of book: SFF, SFF short stories, general fiction, non-fiction, games, etc. I also have a collection named "currently reading." It seems to me that you could make a "TBR" collection to help keep track of what is on there that you have not read yet.


calico_reaction June 21 2012, 22:49:41 UTC
I do! I use my collections quite often. However, because my Kindle is not my primary method of reading books, I don't notice what's available if I don't turn it on, you know? :)


(The comment has been removed)

calico_reaction June 27 2012, 21:51:45 UTC
Mostly, it reminded me of World War Z but without having the room to make all those vignettes into stories of their own.

Great observation!

How does the series work though? Is it all just zombie apocalypse and people struggling to stay alive?

Nope! It takes place 20 years after the original infection, and so you get to see how society has adapted to life with zombies. Also, if you plan to read Deadline for Hugo voting, do yourself a favor and read Feed first, otherwise you'll spoil yourself for EPIC EVENTS and that would be sad.


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