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Comments 4

temporaryworlds May 19 2012, 22:41:30 UTC
Nice review! I didn't read the review of 1001 Nights of Snowfall because I haven't read that yet (I'm going with the trades, and that doesn't fall until after volume 8), but I can at least tell you that you don't have too long to find out who's behind the adversary :)


calico_reaction May 19 2012, 23:36:24 UTC
AWESOME. I'm really hoping the fifth hardcover reveals it. :) I also asked my hubby this morning who his guesses were, and the one of his I couldn't remember was the Brothers Grimm. Which made me wonder if perhaps the Adversary isn't Van Helsing.

We'll see!


ardys_the_ghoul June 18 2012, 13:57:15 UTC
If you're interested in checking out Grimm, you can watch the whole first season for free on NBC's official website.

I really recommend checking it out, I think you'd like it.


calico_reaction June 19 2012, 01:17:09 UTC
Right now I'm slowly working through Once Upon a Time, but I may try Grimm once I'm done with that!

But first, the fifth volume of the Fables hardcovers was just released. Woot!


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