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Comments 16

deepseasiren April 19 2012, 07:04:22 UTC
As you very well know I love graphic novels and especially the Sandman LOL, as well as having read a collection of really 'grim' Grimm's fairy tales graphic novel, a rendition of the fairy tales told in modern times very much like Once Upon A Time the tv series.

This FABLES one sounds noteworthy and definitely I want to check it out.


calico_reaction April 19 2012, 23:30:51 UTC
Make sure you start at the beginning! My review for the first volume is here. :)


intoyourlungs April 19 2012, 18:45:24 UTC
Reading your reviews for this series has made me want to pick it again. I read up to volume 12 (of the non-deluxe editions, but I do *own* the deluxe editions) three years ago and fell completely in love. I even got my mom to read them and she loved them too.


calico_reaction April 19 2012, 23:31:16 UTC
What made you stop reading? Or do you mean you want to re-read what you've got?


intoyourlungs April 20 2012, 00:10:44 UTC
Well, there are sixteen non-deluxe editions out and I've only read to 13 (I said 12 in my first comment which was a mistake) because 12 marked the end of a REALLY big story arc (13 was just.. weird.) By the time volume 14 came out, it had been several months since I finished 13 and I kind of just fell off the wagon. Your reviews have made me want to re-read the series and catch up though. :)


calico_reaction April 20 2012, 00:12:07 UTC
Makes sense. I'm in book three of the deluxe editions, with two issues left in there to read. :)


faithfulcynic April 19 2012, 23:39:48 UTC
I LOVE Fables! :) I think I've read up to volume 7 or 8.


calico_reaction April 19 2012, 23:49:41 UTC
If my hubby wasn't such a hardcover addict, I'd be caught up on the trade paperbacks by now, but alas, he is, so I'm not. :)


ardys_the_ghoul April 23 2012, 05:57:40 UTC
these stories are as old as time, and everyone has a right to these characters

THANK YOU for saying that. I think people tend to forget just how old these stories are. I mean, I think the Grimm brothers are often pointed to as the originators of fairy tales as we know them, but really they were simply the first to compile them in written form, from oral traditions going back who knows how far.

It's like saying someone stole their ideas from Homer (the ancient Greek poet, not the Simpson of that name).


calico_reaction April 23 2012, 16:56:02 UTC
Oh yes, Grimm did not originate the tales, that's for sure!

The trouble with the two television shows, ABC's more than NBC, is that both networks owned the rights to FABLES and tried to adapt it before passing the rights on. And then they turned out around and developed their own original shows. As far as I can tell, NBC liked the idea of the wolf being the cop, but for the sake of GRIMM, made the wolf the cop's buddy. ABC has a bit more to answer for, because while there are differences, I'd be stung too if I were Willingham. Have you seen Once Upon a Time? Read Fables? I haven't watched the show, but what I know of it makes me wince in comparison! :)


ardys_the_ghoul April 24 2012, 09:46:50 UTC
I haven't seen Once Upon a Time, and I haven't read Fables, either--but from what I've heard about the show, and your description of the book, they sound suspiciously similar.

Of course, I thought the same thing about The Iron Tower versus The Lord of the Rings, and nobody seems to look askance at that. Evidently, the trick is to claim that your book is a tribute to the other author's work, and nobody thinks twice.


calico_reaction April 24 2012, 16:51:17 UTC
I've never heard of The Iron Tower, but a cursory glance at Amazon reviews show this is a hotly debated topic!


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