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Comments 12

temporaryworlds January 5 2012, 02:17:32 UTC
I LOVE Source Code. I really need to buy myself a copy.


starmetal_oak January 5 2012, 02:35:24 UTC
I was just going to say the exactly same thing! I loved Source Code.


calico_reaction January 5 2012, 02:40:14 UTC
Yay for Source Code!


calico_reaction January 5 2012, 02:40:01 UTC
I couldn't get over how much I enjoyed that movie! I wanted to see it when it came out in theaters, but wasn't able to, so I caught it on PPV and was thrilled with it.


burgandyice January 6 2012, 01:11:53 UTC
I'm slugging a bit after Circumnavigating Fairyland, too. I'm trying out a second book having set one aside... and I'm considering a third. jajajaja

Wild. Thx for reviewing!


calico_reaction January 6 2012, 01:35:38 UTC
Valente has definitely spoiled me, that's for sure. Maybe I need a new rule to only read nonfiction or something after finishing a Valente book?


celestialgldfsh January 6 2012, 15:31:02 UTC
I also received this book through LibraryThing Early Reviewers. I read through it fast and enjoyed it for the most part, though there were logic issues and the ending leaves a lot hanging. Reading my review now, maybe I was a little too positive.

My review:


calico_reaction January 6 2012, 17:21:46 UTC
Oh well. :) You could always change it if you really wanted. :)


linfer June 10 2012, 21:03:02 UTC
I'm currently reading an ARC of the German edition and I feel exactly the same.
The male voice doesn't work for me in the least and there are so many massive plot holes, it's mind-boggleing.
Trust me, it doesn't get any better.
But I think the target audience (girls between 13 and 16) will totally dig this. And to be honest, if I had read it when I was like 13 or 14 I wouldn't have noticed all those plotholes that are screaming at me from every page.

Reading Valente before that...I can only imagine. I was lucky, my book after "The Girl who..." was Bacigalupi's Windup Girl which is vastly different but the same high quality.


calico_reaction June 10 2012, 21:06:13 UTC
Thanks for commenting. Glad I'm not the only one who had problems with this!


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