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Comments 21

inverarity September 19 2011, 22:52:53 UTC
I should pick this up. I am also a fan of Scalzi's blog, but I've read three books by him and they were all... okay. Not bad, but I was not as impressed as I hoped to be.


calico_reaction September 20 2011, 01:22:30 UTC
What's the third book? I see Android's Dream (which was a hoot for me) and God Engines (which I felt meh about).

If you like his blog, you'll probably enjoy this. :)


inverarity September 20 2011, 01:49:42 UTC
I've also read Zoe's Tale (which I haven't written a review for; I keep meaning to).


calico_reaction September 20 2011, 02:22:16 UTC
Ah! That's an odd one to read, in a way, because even though it's supposed to stand alone, it's really the very end of his Old Man's War series. :)


stfg September 19 2011, 23:46:36 UTC
I have been reading Scalzi's blog since 2006 or so. I saw you were reading this and thought it was high time I read it too. I just finished last night. I enjoyed it, but I find that reading pages of Scalzi all at once can be a little much for my brain. I had much the same reaction to You're Not Fooling Anyone When You Take Your Laptop to a Coffeeshop, which is a similar collection of blog entries.

Like you, I found I had read several of the essays before. Many of the older essays have been referred back to in the blog since I started reading, including the teenagers and writing one, the one about Krissy's miscarriage, and the being poor one. It was still nice to reread all the essays, though.


calico_reaction September 20 2011, 01:23:27 UTC
I'd never read the one about Krissy's miscarriage, which I found rather heartbreaking.

I've got You're Not Fooling Anyone... on my Kindle for sometime. :)


intoyourlungs September 20 2011, 01:56:54 UTC
I've never read Scalzi's work or his blog, so this book doesn't interest me too much, but I *have* to comment on how horrible that first cover is! Yeesh.


calico_reaction September 20 2011, 02:22:54 UTC
Yeah. Even though I get why it's used, I never, ever cared for it. That cover is for the UBER-fan. :)


beth_shulman September 20 2011, 03:41:36 UTC
I'm just poking my head to say - A Conspiracy of Kings! I'm excited to hear what you think.

(Also, great review, and you're making me think about picking up the book, which I never would have thought of doing prior to reading this.)


calico_reaction September 20 2011, 16:26:05 UTC
Awesome! If you get around to reading it, please drop by!


ardys_the_ghoul September 20 2011, 04:41:37 UTC
I actually laughed out loud when I saw the first cover--but, yeah, I wouldn't want something that hideous on my bookshelf (I'm still laughing).


calico_reaction September 20 2011, 16:33:51 UTC
Yeah, it all depends on one's sense of humor! :)


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