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Comments 2

rebecca_at_dsb June 9 2010, 23:17:44 UTC
Hi Shara - Geez, I guess it's been a while since I've dropped by, because I didn't realize that you've given Calico a makeover. I am in love with the green. I almost did DSB in a white/black/green format, but I changed it at the last minute to red instead.

I always wonder at books that weigh in under 200 pages. I never seem to like that length - it's not quite a novella, but it usually lacks the depth of a full-length novel. I guess you could say that I'm biased against the length, although sometimes it's nice to read something that can be fully digested in one sitting.


calico_reaction June 9 2010, 23:46:45 UTC
I think a lot depends on the nature of the story. This one, while not wonderfully written, was very entertaining for me intellectually, especially since it got me wondering what I'd do with a similar premise. Le Guin's first three EARTHSEA books all clock in under 200 pages, but considering the time they were written, it makes sense.

Let's see...I'm trying to think of other short novels that did or didn't work... I'm coming up with a blank, but if I find anything truly work (that aren't actually novellas, I've got a few of those from Subterranean), I'll let you know!

Thanks for stopping by! I've subscribed to DSB and I'm quite enjoying your posts so far. :)


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