Book Bag: May 2010

May 29, 2010 16:05

Hi, my name is Calico Reaction, and I'm a book-a-holic ( Read more... )

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calico_reaction May 29 2010, 22:10:29 UTC
You've got me curious about the slowest urban fantasy series ever!


shel99 May 29 2010, 20:59:56 UTC
Looking forward to hearing what you think of the Bujold. I've read all of her Miles Vorkosigan books (SF) but have never read any of her fantasies. You'll have to let me know if she's as good with fantasy as she is with SF!


calico_reaction May 29 2010, 22:10:57 UTC
I've heard wonderful things about her SF too, but have yet to read any. But I look forward to trying her work. :)


araken May 30 2010, 04:14:07 UTC
She's as good with fantasy as she is with SF.


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calico_reaction May 29 2010, 22:13:56 UTC
You've been pretty busy! When this month is over, you'll just have to take a day and catch up on all the book reviews you've missed! :)

The Robson is slow reading, but it picked up in the middle for me. I'll be posting that review tomorrow.

Briggs: Stephen isn't in this book, so no worries there. I'll be interested to hear your thoughts on Samuel though. :)

Earthsea: I prefer the beige, but I wish the size in the beige was mass market. :-/ Of course, I'd REALLY prefer a whole new look PERIOD to these books, as I mentioned in my open letter to Sub. Press. :)


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calico_reaction May 31 2010, 01:29:57 UTC
I think we'll see Stephen come back, but the vampires didn't have a place in this particular book. :)

I'm not fond of old-fashioned fantasy artwork. I tend to hate it. It's a personal thing. These aren't HORRIBLE, but I'm meh. I really dislike the design more than anything.


What'd you get this month? :) temporaryworlds May 30 2010, 02:17:33 UTC
Haha. I could have been better this month:

I bought one book new (Running with the pack), two from overstock stores (Elizabeth Moon's Victory Conditions. Sherwood Smith's Treason's Shore). Five from paperbackswap (lots more Elizabeth Moon and Charlotte Bronte's Shirley), and a whopping eight from a library sale. I also checked out six books from the library.

I think I have an addiction.


Re: What'd you get this month? :) calico_reaction May 30 2010, 04:54:30 UTC
Glad I'm not the only one!


p2c2e May 30 2010, 10:30:11 UTC
I love Chuck Palahniuk, but a few of his books really sucked. I can't wait to read Tell-All, but I'm waiting for the library to get a copy.


calico_reaction May 30 2010, 15:11:51 UTC
Which ones didn't you like? Of the ones I've read, I though HAUNTED was the worst. I have not read SNUFF (which I hear is HORRIBLE) nor PYGMY.


p2c2e June 6 2010, 03:31:42 UTC
I just finished Haunted a few weeks ago, and I absolutely despised it. I would count that as the worst Palahniuk book I've ever read, but I also wasn't that impressed with Fight Club and Choke. I liked some of Snuff, but I hated the ending.

My favourite books of Chuck's are Invisible Monsters, Lullaby, and Pygmy. I think you should definitely give Pygmy a chance. It's difficult to read, but it's also very funny (and oddly cute).


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