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Comments 36

shel99 March 26 2010, 21:07:12 UTC
This series was my introduction to graphic novels, which I picked up because I love Gaiman's other work. Holy crap is it brilliant.

I've got the trade paperback editions, and here's a warning for anyone new to the series: do NOT read the preface to The Kindly Ones until AFTER you've read the book. It contains a spoiler so major that I threw the book at the wall when I read it. I still loved it (in fact, it's probably my favorite volume), but I will always be mad that I never had the experience of reading it without knowing what was coming.

I need to re-read these sometime soon.


calico_reaction March 26 2010, 22:41:28 UTC
I avoid introductions for just that reason. I read the Absolute editions, and refused to read any of the intros because I didn't want to be spoiled in the slightest.


shel99 March 27 2010, 00:14:38 UTC
I thought I was safe, because one of the other volumes (I forget which one) had an intro with a spoiler that the publishers had moved to the back of the book, so I figured they'd do the same if the occasion arose again... grr!


calico_reaction March 27 2010, 00:28:33 UTC
You know what book taught me to avoid intros? A PORTRAIT OF A LADY, of all things! I guess they assume that with classic literature, you already know the ending, which is STUPID, but there you go.


amergina March 26 2010, 21:18:07 UTC
I have to say, there was something magical about reading these as they came out. We poured over each issue, talked about how it fit with the others, etc. We had to wait a month between issues. No choice in the matter.

I guess it's similar to watching a TV series as each episode plays vs. watching the boxed set of several seasons. You get a better sense of the scope with the boxed set, but miss out on the episode dissection and all the theories and speculation while the plot unfolds.

Great series, though. And yes, a Must Have.


calico_reaction March 26 2010, 22:42:46 UTC
No doubt. I read a blog post by Jo Walton where she talked about the experience of reading a series as it comes versus once it's all done, and how there's a certain magic to the fandom before the series (book, tv, comic) is finished.

But nowadays, if you're going to read it, I don't recommend taking way too much time, due to all the details. I do look forward to re-reading this one day. :)


zagzagael March 27 2010, 00:35:22 UTC
Absolutely! It was an amazing time - huge cultural shifts - and in my life/mind/memories....that time has become entwined and intermingled with the unfolding of this amazing series....


hani March 26 2010, 21:18:13 UTC
YES! Yay! I'm glad you enjoyed Gaiman's Sandman series. I also read the ten trades in about one week last last summer, so I was glad to read it in a bunch. (That is frustrating me about reading Bill Willingham's Fables series.)

I also agree the art can be a little hard to get used to, or know who is who. Sometimes the characters are difficult to remember, also. I cheated and used online resources sometimes to keep track/remind myself.


calico_reaction March 26 2010, 22:43:24 UTC
Nothing wrong with cheating!

I'm reading Gaiman's DEATH series now. Of course, that's technically two mini-series, but still, yay!


sorcha_ruel March 26 2010, 23:13:31 UTC
I'm a huge Gaiman fan girl, have been since some geeky guy in my homeroom in high school handed me a copy of Death: The High Cost of Living. Death is a cute, quirky goth chick?! I'm all over that.

The Sandman series is a beautiful thing. If I hadn't read Gaiman's graphic novels I probably would never have given others a try and would have missed out on some great stuff.


cywrain March 26 2010, 23:31:34 UTC
It's so lovely to read your review of this! Sandman was my introduction to Gaiman, and I fell hard for his storytelling. Have you read any other of the Sandman canon? Dream Hunters was my particular favorite.

But now my only question is on your brief mention of Preacher... that is, where is your review?! I have looked all over this site, and it is not here. So very sad, this. /sigh


calico_reaction March 26 2010, 23:39:51 UTC
Note there was no link in regards to PREACHER, and that's because I read that beast back in the late nineties. So there's DEFINITELY no review from me there. :) Maybe one day I'll re-read it, but we'll see. My hubby's re-reading it as the hardcovers are released. It's one of his absolute FAVORITE series. :)

And to answer your other question, I've finished THE FURIES, which I'm getting ready to review right now, and I'm working on the DEATH mini-series. There's others I'm sure I'll be tackling as my husband hands them over. :)

Oh, and one more thing: if you're ever looking for my graphic novel reviews, just click here.


cywrain March 27 2010, 00:09:40 UTC
Thank link to all your graphic novel reviews is fabulous! I had, er, stopped looking for the appropriate link after I found direction to your comic book reviews.

Ooo, I have Death at hand now and I could start reread it at once. But I have so many other books at hand in my TBR pile, and they are growing dusty. CHOICES.


calico_reaction March 27 2010, 00:11:03 UTC
What I'm doing is reading an issue a night, right before bed. The rest of my day and night is spent on whatever non-comic I'm reading at the moment. :)


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