Maintenance Monday

Feb 08, 2010 22:13

Toppling the TBR PileI've noticed that I'm not the only book blogger who is bound and determined to strangle their book-buying habits and work on their TBR pile instead. In the past, working on the pile was difficult for me, because I based my reading habits on moods, which meant I let a LOT of certain genres pile up without a second glance. Now ( Read more... )

blog: miscellaneous, blog: weekend update,

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calico_reaction February 9 2010, 23:33:47 UTC
I don't have shelves, so that method really doesn't work for me. :)


sausconys_books February 9 2010, 20:38:13 UTC
I haven't banned myself from acquiring books (I don't buy many anymore but I more than make up for it with trading), but I don't go to the library much anymore. Lately, I've been using LibraryThing to remind myself of the books I need to read. I tag my books for my monthly TBR and I'm sticking to it pretty well. I'm not really making much of a dent in the overall collection, but I'm getting to books that have been sitting around for years anyway.


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