Moon, Elizabeth: Command Decision

Sep 10, 2009 19:46

Command Decision (2007)
Written by: Elizabeth Moon
Genre: Science Fiction
Pages: 364 (Mass Market Paperback)

Four books down, one to go before I finish this series. I bet that'll make some of you happy, eh?

The premise: for the fourth book in the series, I'm pulling from After orchestrating a galaxy-wide failure of the communications network owned and maintained by the powerful ISC corporation, Turek and his marauders strike swiftly and without mercy. First they shatter Vatta Transport. Then they overrun entire star systems, growing stronger and bolder. No one is safe from the pirate fleet. But while they continue to move forward with their diabolical plan, they have made two critical mistakes.

Their first mistake was killing Kylara Vatta’s family.
Their second mistake was leaving her alive.
Now Kylara is going to make them pay.

But with a “fleet” consisting of only three ships-including her flagship, the Vanguard, a souped-up merchant cruiser-Kylara needs allies, and fast. Because even though she possesses the same coveted communication technology as the enemy, she has nowhere near their numbers or firepower.

Meanwhile, as Kylara’s cousin Stella tries to bring together the shattered pieces of the family trading empire, new treachery is unfolding at ISC headquarters, where undercover agent Rafael Dunbarger, estranged son of the corporation’s CEO, is trying to learn why the damaged network is not beingrepaired. What he discovers will send shock waves across the galaxy and crashing into Kylara’s newly christened Space Defense Force at the worst possible moment.

Review style: stream-of-conscious this time, because Moon's pretty consistent and I don't have a whole awful lot to say about this particular title. No spoilers.

This is really the first book of the series that didn't drag with unnecessary detail in terms of keeping the action moving forward. And frankly, that's how it SHOULD read when you consider it's the penultimate book in the series. It should keep you on your toes and keep you turning the pages.

I liked the set-up, seeing Rafe's, Stella's, and Ky's stories in chunks, with a little of Grace sprinkled in. And all of these stories were interesting. Rafe, particularly, though there were a few times I got a little lost in terms of his cover and what he hoped to accomplish using that cover. But I did love seeing him take his rightful place in his family, and I was fascinated to see how that family dynamic functioned, especially in light of Parmina (who I really wish I could remember from Trading in Danger, because I recognize the name, but not his role). Stella didn't have a very BIG story, but I liked what she accomplished with Vatta Enterprises. It was fantastic to see her stepping into her role and running with it. Grace, of course, is always fantastic--I wish there were more of her in this book.

And Ky: talk about an interesting story. While the one thing I still don't like in this series is how stuff happens and characters have to react (rather than the plot coming primarily out of the character's actions), this was one of Ky's most solid stories. I liked seeing her lead, and I liked seeing her in command. And really, there's not much else to say about that. The space battles had my eyes glazing over a little, but that's typical of this genre. I did like seeing Ky reach a position where she can really and truly DO something about Turek, and I'm looking forward to finishing the series.

Really, you all, I've got nothing to say here. :)

My Rating

Worth the Cash: there's a part of me that wants to say the 4th book is the best so far, but that's because it really utilizes its cast to tell the bigger, more epic story. You really get to see how different pieces of the puzzle fit together and you really start to see a bigger picture in terms of story. Each POV character had an interesting storyline, but much of what made those storylines so interesting was the build-up from the three previous books. Still, I'm enjoying the series so far, and I've only got one book to go. I continue to be impressed with the cast of characters and how each character has a solid story and goal, and of course, the world-building continues to fascinate. Granted, I wouldn't recommend STARTING with this book--if you're interested, you MUST start with the first of the series, Trading in Danger, and work your way up. But it's worth it: the books seem to steadily improve with each volume, and that's always encouraging.

Cover Commentary: not much to say here other than it's another great rendition of Ky, and the pose feels quite appropriate to the book's title. :)

Next up: Hunting Ground by Patricia Briggs

DON'T FORGET: September's book challenge is Emma Bull's War for the Oaks. Details are here. ALSO: I'm taking book title suggestions for October's theme: horror/ghost stories! :)

blog: reviews, fiction: space opera, fiction: military science fiction, elizabeth moon, ratings: worth reading with reservations, fiction: science fiction,

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