WINNER: Ace/Roc Sampler

Aug 16, 2009 00:16

So, I'm doing a NEW THING when it comes to selecting winners for giveaways. Previously, I'd write all the names on a post-it, fold it so that the sticky side was INSIDE, and then throw the post-it in a hat. Then, when it was time to draw the winner, I'd get another hat to do some back-and-forth shuffling and then I'd either draw the name myself or, more recently, let the cat do it. However, I get tired of going through all of those post-its, and I see that other people are using these awesome random number generators, so that's what I'm using!

Here's how this and future giveaways will work: you sign up, and I'll stick your name in an Excel sheet, which is, of course, numbered down the left side, so everyone automatically is assigned a number. I enter those names in the order I receive them. Then, once it's time to make my drawing, I'm going to use the Research Randomizer website to do my selection FOR me, and said person will be the winner. Or in other cases, said persons. This was a small giveaway, but I hope others will have more interest. :)

Clear as mud? Sound fair? So without further explanation, here are the results (result?) for the Ace/Roc Sampler Giveaway!

Out of 9 entries (what a SAD number!), the congrats to:

Ann Kopchik, from Pennsylvania!

While it was a SMALL contest, many thanks to ALL who entered! I promise, the next giveaway will be more epic. How, I don't know, but I promise it will be. :)

blog: giveaways

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