Well, I haven't made a real post on here for some time so I figured now's as good a time as any...especially since I have some things to get off my chest. This post covers being gay, being biracial, yearning to be "normal."
The following is pretty un-PC and there are a lot of complaints in here so if you're reading this, be prepared to think a little and be willing to help me out )
Comments 29
oh.... you don't like fucking!?
or, it may be that you simply haven't been with anyone with the right chemistry.
I don't think we've ever been introduced but thanks for commenting in my journal. I really appreciate your sound advice. Especially the part about not judging myself by stereotypes. You're correct, they are idealized and unreal and it really sucks that I fall into their trap at times. Yes, I am much more than just gay and I'm trying to work on being more cognizant of that fact. And being proud of all the other things I am besides gay (though I'm not proud of being gay). I need to remember that we are all unique and, though in the short run, it's easier to conform, in the long run diversity is lauded. I wish you could predict the way my life would be! It would be so much easier then!:-) But, yes, I do need to realize that I am only 24 and have lots of time for relationships. Sometimes it's just frustrating when I see guys my age OR YOUNGER all coupled up and in love. I think, when's that going to happen to me? I tend to be impatient with these things. I guess I gotta trust time.
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