"I haven't got a sporran; obviously the Doctor hasn't started paying me yet."
Fraser Hines, Tomb of the Cybermen Commentary
In aid of all those oppressed Doctor/Rose shippers who are being crushed by the Terrible Oppression of Doctor/Romana shipping, I present Tomb of the Cybermen, An Exciting Recap, Now With Pictures!, in order to oppress Doctor/Romana shippiness with even older old skool True Love. Cause we all know Doctor Who really jumped the shark when it went colour. YES IT DID.
Tomb of the Cybermen (or Scottish Companions are Best)
"Doctor," says Jamie, putting a comforting hand on the Doctor's arm and trying his best to be kind and tactful. "You're pretty rubbish at navigating the TARDIS."
"Hmph!" says the Doctor, and promptly lands them somewhere where there are Killer Sixties Cybermen.
This is where the Doctor tries to open some big doors, but fails. Jamie, keen to show off his very attractive manly Scottish strength to the Doctor, gives it a shot.
His manly Scottish strength fails him. Woe! How will he impress the Doctor now?
Victoria is worried about her short non-Victorian skirt. The Doctor says not to worry, look how much shorter Jamie's is.
Clearly the Doctor has been admiring Jamie's legs quite a bit.
Yay! Old skool handporn!
"There is a distinct element of risk in what I'm about to ask you to do, so if anyone wishes to leave, they must do so at once," says the Doctor. Jamie leaves. "Not you, Jamie," the Doctor adds.
It are great, yes? Jamie for teh win!
Cute worry! Also they have subtle clinging in this scene (oh, how I long for The Invasion - it is pure clinging between them All The Time, Yay!)
Gratuitous Victoria Pic. Because she's one of those so-called 'sixties screamers.' This is her just after she saved Kaftan from a Cybermat, grabbed Kaftan's gun and shot the Cybermat herself.
And then they all have some sleep. But the Doctor is sad, for Jamie is elsewhere and so he must substitute Jamie with a great big wire thing.
The Doctor makes a terrible, terrible joke and Jamie makes a noise of PAIN. And then the Doctor apologises because he loves Jamie and does not want to hurt him with his awful puns.
Hiding! For sneaky is best.
Holding onto each other is Integral To The Story, so they do it a lot.
Best of all is when Scary Things Happen, and they instinctively grab for each other.
"Jamie, remind me to give you a lesson in tying knots sometime."
I do not think I need to add anything to such Revealing Dialogue.
Jamie and the Doctor use the skience of Lever Pulling to win!
And then Jamie trips like a girl and the Doctor catches him.
Big Group Finish!
And there are some Cybermen in there somewhere. But they are probably not very important.
The End!