LOTR, Iron Man and Bleach pics

Mar 10, 2014 00:08

These are a few pics I did that are, amazingly, not HP related ( Read more... )

pepper pots, lotr, bleach, kyouraku shunsui, tauriel, nanao ise, ironman, tony stark, legolas

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Comments 19

orpheus_samhain March 10 2014, 08:13:48 UTC
Oh, Tauriel, my new found love :) Beautiful!


caladan_dd March 10 2014, 20:30:58 UTC
She was amazing! I liked her so much in the movie. And thank you!


nochick_fics March 10 2014, 08:48:16 UTC
Came across this post on the home page and I'm soooo glad I checked it out. Your work is GORGEOUS.


caladan_dd March 10 2014, 20:32:31 UTC
Thank you so much! I'm very glad that you like the pictures. And thank you for your comment :)


amanuensis1 March 10 2014, 09:59:50 UTC
Oh, these are so beautiful! I'm just in love with the faces and lush background and the way the clothing blends in in the Tolkien picture. And Tony/Pepper, squeeee! Whatever bet you lost, I'm happy. And the Bleach one is a terrific sequence!


caladan_dd March 11 2014, 00:44:29 UTC
It was a silly bet, but yeah... It was a tournament of Capcom vs Marvel on my old PS2, and I lost :( But, well, glad something good came out of it :D
He, you always have the most awesome of icons!


thistlerose March 10 2014, 13:48:00 UTC
These are gorgeous. I love your work. The detail, as always, is incredible.


caladan_dd March 11 2014, 00:49:32 UTC
Hi, there! Thank you so much! I'm glad that you like the pics. And, once again, thank you for your comments! :)


sasha_b March 10 2014, 14:22:54 UTC
These are gorgeous. :)

Do you do custom work at all?


caladan_dd March 11 2014, 01:04:16 UTC
Thank you so much! I'm very glad that you like the pictures :)

And, hmm... my English vocabulary is not very lengthy ... custom work? is that like commission work or something similar?


sasha_b March 11 2014, 01:07:51 UTC
Yes! Commission. :)


caladan_dd March 11 2014, 03:43:09 UTC
:) I haven't done anything for a while. Work has kept me rather busy, and I fear I won't have time to tackle something more serious. However, if I manage to organize my schedule better, I might be able to fit in an extra pic. Thanks for asking! :)


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