geriatric undergrads...

Jun 04, 2006 23:29

miracle of miracles, i had a date last night. with a pseudo-random who is a friend of a friend of a friend of a friend (no exaggeration). we went for drinks and then played pool, and as far as first dates go, it was actually pretty fun. he was nice, he was quite a gentleman, and he paid for everything (not crucial, but kind of nice in an archaic way - he actually wouldn't let me pay for anything).

i don't think i really want to see him again though, which means that i'll have to to pull a "i'm really busy and i'll call when i get a chance" and just never call, because it's still nicer than just disappearing off the face of the planet. or wait, is that presumptuous of me? what if he's sitting around thinking the exact same thing?

anyway, a few red flags that popped up:

(1) "so...what's your ethnicity?"
(2) " old are you?"
(3) when i kicked his ass in pool, he got visibly upset.
(4) repeatedly asked about my schedule this week, in great detail. as in, "so what are you doing monday? and tuesday? what about wednesday?" -- dude, give a girl a bit of space.
(5) he's a frat boy, although he claims not to be a stereotypical frat boy.
(6) he's a just-graduated geriatric undergrad.

question (1) was followed up with a discussion about how he wants to go to asia to teach english. and i'm sure some of you can picture the look on my face and the shaking of my fist (once i'm finished typing this) in response.

now, (2) in itself isn't really a red flag, but who really cares enough about someone's age to ask on the first date? this question, however, led into the fact that he is 29 and just finished his undergrad, which leads into (6). which is fine - i mean, good for him for going to school and getting educated. but someone i'm dating really kind of needs to have his shit together if he's 29.

plus, my last experience with a geriatric undergrad ended spectacularly (and by spectacularly i mean horribly). and, now that i think about it, i only dated him because i was bored (yes, i'm awful), and then i was not-into'ed by someone that i was not-into. AND, now that i think about it further, he was a closet rice king. therefore, i should not continue to see this guy simply because i am bored, and also because he is a not-so-closet rice king.

hey, look at me, learning from my mistakes!


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