Title: Musophobia
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Character/Pairing: Rodney, Zelenka, Miko
Genre: Drama
Rating: PG13/T
Disclaimer: If you recognize it, I don't own it.
Warning: Not Kavanagh friendly
Summary: Written for rinkafic - thank you for your donation to Help the South! Her request was an SGA fic with Rodney, Zelenka, & Miko - prompt: Trouble
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Comments 8
Zelenka AND AG-1 on his case... Kav is toast!
Yay for a fun story, thanks so much, I loved it!
I posted on FF.net too, and folks want a second chapter seeing the follow up.
I've got a couple of other things I need to write first, but when I get the second part up I'll let you know!
I liked this a lot but I'm rubbish at concrit, only thing I saw was did you mean tries or tried in para starting The Czech nodded..."
I'd love to see the payback, preferrably them turning Kavanagh's phobias against him. I remember him fainting ( yes, I used that word! ;) at the mere hint of violence from Ronon once, and again at Midway Station when the Wraith came. This being season 1, those particular things haven't happened yet, but I'm sure he's fainted because of other things already, and information like that tends to spread... *wicked grin*
If there was a little less narration, to create a slighter faster pace, the humour might be more effective.
That said, I can't wait to see what Rodney, Radek, John and Aiden can come up with if they put their heads together!
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