Not a Book Review: Some random thoughts on fandom in novels

Aug 28, 2016 19:50

So through happenstance I've recently read several novels in which fandom takes on a large role, so I have some random thoughts on it.

1) Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell. (This one is actually a reread because I like this book.) Main character is a fangirl who writes slash for the not!Harry Potter of her universe as she navigates her first year of ( Read more... )

books, reading, not a book review, fandom

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Comments 5

blcwriter August 29 2016, 02:24:54 UTC

No observations, but the 2nd one had been rec'd to me and now I will avoid it, based on your review.  Still working on Eleanor & Park, though I do have an ebook of Fangirl, so maybe I will move that up in the queue.


caitri August 29 2016, 02:30:08 UTC
FWIW if you have the werewithal I'd love to hear your thoughts on Gena/Finn if you ever give it a chance. I do worry if my review was too harsh on the basis of it told a story I didn't want, you know?


blcwriter August 31 2016, 00:07:12 UTC
I think just reading your synopsis of the conflict is enough to let me decide DO NOT WANT on that particular one. The combo of mental health judginess by ableist jerks, and fair-weather-friends is too close to my own comfort to be soemething I could keep in perspective.


caitri August 31 2016, 21:31:07 UTC
Yeah, I felt kinda the same way. It's a little more happier than that by the end but not as much as I wanted.


sangueuk August 29 2016, 23:51:30 UTC
Cool reviews, thanks!


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