Gratuitous Meme is Gratuitous

Jan 13, 2011 16:53

Shamelessly liberated from tocourtdisaster:

Pick a character I write, and I will give you the top five ideas/concepts/other I keep in mind while writing that character that I believe are essential to depicting them accurately.

Five Things About Bones

Five Things About Mal Reynolds

Five Things About Richard Castle
(Yes, I KNOW I've never written Castle fic, ( Read more... )

castle, fanfiction, writing, memes

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Five Things About Jim Kirk caitri January 14 2011, 23:44:49 UTC
1) Jim Kirk is not a victim. He is a survivor. It’s what he does best. The things he saw on Tarsus IV-well, a lot of them, anyway-are a matter of record. The things he saw at home though, well, Sam knows, and Bones too, a little bit. He doesn’t like talking about it though, any of it, but he doesn’t lock it away. He just accepts it, and promises himself that he’ll never let anyone else go through the things he did, not if he can stop it.

2) He hasn’t slept with half as many people as everyone likes to think. He likes a good time, yeah, but he also likes a lot of other things, too. He’s read more books than almost anyone he knows (their first year on the Enterprise, Spock is frequently astonished at the number of Terran, Andorian, Klinzhai, and yes, even Vulcan classics Kirk can draw on at will); he likes playing tri-dimensional chess and basketball; he enjoys listening to music and actually has a guitar he can strum with skill. But most of all, he enjoys being with a group of people. On the Enterprise he’ll usually share meals with ( ... )


Re: Five Things About Jim Kirk sangueuk January 15 2011, 00:06:53 UTC
Jim thinks he can do great things too, like his Father did, but he’s going to do them all with Bones, if Bones will let him. *melts* Loved all of this but #5 was wonderful!


Re: Five Things About Jim Kirk caitri January 15 2011, 00:54:53 UTC
*squishes* Thank you!! I'm clearly on a roll here, so feel free to leave a request if you want something, too!! :)


Re: Five Things About Jim Kirk avictoriangirl January 15 2011, 01:28:53 UTC
I could quote the entire thing back at you, but I won't, because it is SPOT ON PERFECT.

*LOVES YOU SO MUCH* ♥!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Re: Five Things About Jim Kirk caitri January 15 2011, 01:37:05 UTC
Aw, likewise, bb!!!!!!!!!! *squishes you delightedly*


Re: Five Things About Jim Kirk tocourtdisaster January 15 2011, 04:53:15 UTC
I love all of these, but my absolute favorite, hands down, has got to be the third one. I LOVE the idea that the relationship between Jim and Pike turns into a familial thing, even if they never think of it as strictly paternal.


Re: Five Things About Jim Kirk caitri January 15 2011, 04:56:30 UTC
I think it's more paternal than not. I swear the most paternal scene in the film is when Kirk runs to the bridge and Pike is all "haven't you had enough attention for one day?" because he is SO clearly pissed at Jim over the Kobayashi Maru and the hearing and he thinks its more of the same. And then when he pulls Kirk to go to the drill and makes him first officer--he KNOWS Kirk has what it takes but there's also this whole "my son is awesome" vibe--it just kills me!


Re: Five Things About Jim Kirk tocourtdisaster January 15 2011, 04:59:28 UTC
Oh, I definitely agree with you completely, but I'm not sure they would label it as such, at least not Jim. I don't know what it is, but I just get this feeling that Jim pretty much thinks of himself as fatherless, doesn't know how to cope with someone trying to be his father (hence the driving the car off the cliff), so he doesn't try to label his relationship with Pike.


Re: Five Things About Jim Kirk caitri January 15 2011, 05:01:38 UTC
Oooh, that's a very good point. *contemplates*

I hope Pike gets in some time in the next movie, he was so epically BAMF in this one.


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