Gratuitous Meme is Gratuitous

Jan 13, 2011 16:53

Shamelessly liberated from tocourtdisaster:

Pick a character I write, and I will give you the top five ideas/concepts/other I keep in mind while writing that character that I believe are essential to depicting them accurately.

Five Things About Bones

Five Things About Mal Reynolds

Five Things About Richard Castle
(Yes, I KNOW I've never written Castle fic, ( Read more... )

castle, fanfiction, writing, memes

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Five Things About Éomer 2/2 caitri January 14 2011, 21:23:36 UTC
4) Meeting Lothíriel the way he did was an accident. Everyone knows that. Falling in love with her was an accident, too. But some of the Gondorian gossips will tell you that his proposal to her was an accident, that he had no way of knowing that in Dol Amroth, a man gifting flowers to a maiden was tantamount to posting banns. (And it is true, that in Rohan such presents are simple things, because true wealth is counted in horses and grain.) But that is a lie. He knew exactly what he was doing when he picked them for her himself. She didn’t know that, though, and the flush of pleasure warring with embarrassment as she tried to explain it to him was pleasing, but not half as pleasing as when he asked her what sort of fool she thought the King of the Mark was, and he did know a thing about diplomacy, princess, and would she be so kind as to accept so that he might kiss her as he’d been longing to do these last several weeks? And then she finally understood, and he got his kiss, and later on the both of them got much more ( ... )


Re: Five Things About Éomer 2/2 anutty1 January 14 2011, 21:58:58 UTC
Oh, this exactly, is how I see Eomer. This was really poignant and I'm a little misty, nostalgic for the days when Lord of the Rings was my favorite thing EVER. Great job!


Re: Five Things About Éomer 2/2 caitri January 15 2011, 00:53:26 UTC
*squish* Thank you!!!

PS Leave a prompt and I'll be happy to write one for you, too!! :)


Re: Five Things About Éomer 2/2 anutty1 January 15 2011, 01:44:36 UTC
Ridding Rohan of contemptible orcs? Easy! Riding to sure death on the Fields of Pelennor? Please, what else have you got? Listening to Faramir babble about how fair and bright and beautiful his little sister is and can he please have her hand in marriage? Eomer doesn't think he's man enough to handle this!!


Re: Five Things About Éomer 2/2 caitri January 15 2011, 01:46:52 UTC
LOL! Is that a prompt or a mission statement? ;)


Re: Five Things About Éomer 2/2 anutty1 January 15 2011, 08:07:32 UTC
Er, mayhaps I got a little (too) happy thinking about how much Eomer loves his little sister, Eowyn? So, an actual prompt: The first time Eomer thought he may be able to handle being Eomer, King of the Riddermark.


Re: Five Things About Éomer 2/2 caitri January 16 2011, 02:02:13 UTC
Ask and ye shall receive: Witan Day


Re: Five Things About Éomer 2/2 tocourtdisaster January 15 2011, 04:50:07 UTC
Oh, bb, this is perfect. I think, though, that my favorite is number four because we get to see how snarky Eomer can be and it's so sweet because it's so obvious how much he loves her, even in so few words.


Re: Five Things About Éomer 2/2 caitri January 15 2011, 04:52:11 UTC
*squishes* Eomer TOTES has a snarky side, and Lothiriel is one of the only people who ever gets to see it. (lucky girl!)


Re: Five Things About Éomer 2/2 tocourtdisaster January 15 2011, 04:54:27 UTC
We will eventually get to see more of them together, right? Right? *puppy eyes*


Re: Five Things About Éomer 2/2 caitri January 15 2011, 04:58:49 UTC
Maaaaaaaybe? sorta? I'm actually trying to rewrite/enlarge That Which They Defend into original fic. I can send you the scraps I have, if you like, but they really are bits and pieces, though a lot of them are Eomer/Lothiriel (ie Karu/Liriel) oriented. :/


Re: Five Things About Éomer 2/2 tocourtdisaster January 15 2011, 05:02:32 UTC
Ooh, that sounds fascinating. I'd be interested in reading it, but if you want to wait until you've got something a little less piecey and more cohesive, that's cool. :)


Re: Five Things About Éomer 2/2 caitri January 15 2011, 05:05:23 UTC
Soooo you mean a year from now? ;)

Seriously, I am soooo nothing resembling linear the way I write. A draft literally does not look like a draft until it is over 3/4 done.

I'll actually go ahead and send it to you anyway. One of my resolutions this year was to write more original fic and I want to stick to that, but it's hard because it's harder to share and stuff.


Re: Five Things About Éomer 2/2 tocourtdisaster January 15 2011, 05:12:12 UTC
See, I'm the complete opposite; the first time I wrote a story out of order was my STBB, and I've been writing fanfic for well over a decade.

Send away! I am always willing to read something new, even if it more closely resembles as mess than a story. ;) You still have my e-mail, right?


Re: Five Things About Éomer 2/2 caitri January 15 2011, 05:14:29 UTC
I do indeed. I'm writing you the sort of overview summary thing now. ;)


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