Gratuitous Meme is Gratuitous

Jan 13, 2011 16:53

Shamelessly liberated from tocourtdisaster:

Pick a character I write, and I will give you the top five ideas/concepts/other I keep in mind while writing that character that I believe are essential to depicting them accurately.

Five Things About Bones

Five Things About Mal Reynolds

Five Things About Richard Castle
(Yes, I KNOW I've never written Castle fic, ( Read more... )

castle, fanfiction, writing, memes

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Five Things About Éomer 1/2 caitri January 14 2011, 21:23:08 UTC
1) He is a solitary man. Part of this is because he and his sister came to their Uncle’s house as children, and Théoden King was already pushing away his own son in his grief. Théodred was kind to them, but older and soon a Marshal himself. Thus he and Éowyn were all too often left to themselves, and the folk of the Mark are expected to grow up quickly. And, too, he was ever the elder, and the only son of his father, and it was his duty to see to his sister’s welfare, even above his own. When the War is over, he sees Éowyn with Faramir, and rejoices in her happiness, but he has the keep and the crown to see to, and doesn’t expect to find any for himself ( ... )


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