Gratuitous Meme is Gratuitous

Jan 13, 2011 16:53

Shamelessly liberated from tocourtdisaster:

Pick a character I write, and I will give you the top five ideas/concepts/other I keep in mind while writing that character that I believe are essential to depicting them accurately.

Five Things About Bones

Five Things About Mal Reynolds

Five Things About Richard Castle
(Yes, I KNOW I've never written Castle fic, ( Read more... )

castle, fanfiction, writing, memes

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Five Things About Simon Tam caitri January 14 2011, 05:50:36 UTC
1) For the longest time, River was the world to Simon. They were the only people who truly got each other--the jokes and the games and the studies and--everything. It's funny how, when the world should've gotten smaller--when she lost herself in her own mind for a while--it got bigger too, because then there was Book to be wise and Wash to make jokes and Zoe to offer a word of advice, and strangely enough, Jayne to be there to save their lives. And of course, Mal looking on as he always does with that odd smile he has sometimes, like he gets something no one else does.

2) He tries to talk to Kaylee. He really does. Sometimes he rehearses whole speeches in his head but then he looks at her and every word goes straight out of his brain to be replaced by gosse, and even when the words are coming out of his mouth he know how horribly it's going, can see it on her face, but he can't stop. He supposes it means something that he finally gets the words right when he thinks they're going to die. But if they're gonna live, he's going to have ( ... )


Re: Five Things About Simon Tam gadgetorious January 14 2011, 05:54:20 UTC

4) He really hates that his sister is a telepath though. He tries really hard not to think about it too much.

Or anything, because of the whole telepathy thing... ;)


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