Gratuitous Meme is Gratuitous

Jan 13, 2011 16:53

Shamelessly liberated from tocourtdisaster:

Pick a character I write, and I will give you the top five ideas/concepts/other I keep in mind while writing that character that I believe are essential to depicting them accurately.

Five Things About Bones

Five Things About Mal Reynolds

Five Things About Richard Castle
(Yes, I KNOW I've never written Castle fic, ( Read more... )

castle, fanfiction, writing, memes

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Five Things About Willow caitri January 14 2011, 03:57:45 UTC
1) She truly loves Buffy. Not the way she loved Tara, or loves Kennedy, but not the way you'd love a sister either. She used to hate her a little too, though, in a way she could never even articulate to herself: How Buffy was power, even at her weakest. Even when Willow taps into the power of the Earth and can feel the Light infusing her, that kernel of darkness is inside her and the very opposite of her friend, and it scares her to death.

2) She never told Sheila about Tara. She's never told her about Kennedy either. But they talk maybe twice a year about nothing, and she knows she should feel guilty about that, too, but she doesn't.

3) She read The Mists of Avalon when she was ten. She things that explains quite a few things about her life, all of them after the fact ( ... )


Re: Five Things About Willow gadgetorious January 14 2011, 05:10:51 UTC
Eeee. #4 is my favorite. (But #3 made me laugh the most.) :D


Re: Five Things About Willow caitri January 14 2011, 05:16:04 UTC


Re: Five Things About Willow gadgetorious January 14 2011, 05:17:03 UTC
In a "it's funny because it's true" kind of way. :P


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