Report from the Trenches

Sep 29, 2010 15:06

GRE scores ( Read more... )

life stuff

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Comments 11

dramapunk September 29 2010, 20:13:01 UTC
Naps are always a good post test score thing. I am sure you did wonderfully on the other part of the test. <3


caitri September 29 2010, 22:53:50 UTC
**squish** Thanks! And yeah, the nap helped a LOT! :D


claudia_nic September 29 2010, 20:32:31 UTC
Can you score 600 on each part? Cause in that case the 570 is pretty good isn't it? What did you have to write about? Something interesting? And did you think it went well? And I'm kind of awed by how fast they hand out the results. It just makes them look real slow on the one 'non-computerized' part.


caitri September 29 2010, 23:01:36 UTC
I'm not certain--a few people seem to think I did fine, one less so, so I have some friends making discreet inquiries for me.

I had to write an argument piece on a sentence about whether people react more strongly to words or images, analyze an argument about education and an analyze an argument about vehicular fatalities. I think I did fine on those--I write a lot so that was the quickest part for me.


suddenlyswept September 29 2010, 21:19:06 UTC
so, the average verbal score for 2004-2008 was around 460. (your quantative probably won't matter because lit departments could care less about your ability to do math. NO lit professors even understand the general concept of math and why people would test for it. this is like a general rule. ;-) )

AND, the average verbal score for Columbia during those years was 530. (according to internet sources). so it seems you did pretty darn good on the verbal, which for literature, is the only part that counts :D


caitri September 29 2010, 23:02:33 UTC
Wow. Research, you did it. And it makes me feel tons better. **hugs**


suddenlyswept September 29 2010, 23:15:26 UTC
i googled :D

plus, i've been studying so i may have done some research on average scores before ;-)

::squishes:: i'm glad you feel better :D


caitri September 29 2010, 23:17:21 UTC
**SQUISH** You rock, bb!


gadgetorious September 29 2010, 22:40:35 UTC
Your verbal score is nothing to be scoffed at, woman! And the math isn't bad either. Particularly considering your field, where nobody gives a fuck about the math.


caitri September 29 2010, 23:03:22 UTC
Considering I haven't done that kind of math in a decade, I was fairly shocked, honestly!


(The comment has been removed)

caitri October 1 2010, 02:06:17 UTC
*hug* Thanks! :)


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